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A number of commentators have had a field day in response to American President Donald Trump’s infamous statement regarding Africans as being from “S***hole countries”.

I was personally not surprised by this statement from the president of the world’s most powerful nation.  Trump made it abundantly clear during his campaign that he is not the kind of person who will say what is politically correct, but will say it the way he sees it. What I find baffling is how could the American voters, who would like the whole world to believe that theirs is the epitome of human rights and democracy, vote into office a person who clearly believes that certain race groups are inferior?.

The actions by Trump are therefore not coincidental, they are rather what he strongly believes in and subscribes to. During his campaign he was very clear that once he ascends the white house, he will deal with all the race groups that he perceives as being less human, that is what he is doing and guess who gave him that mandate, the very self-aggrandizing American voters.

The man has continued to display total contempt for Africans by blaming everything that he disagrees with to the Obama administration even things that were done by the Bush administration such as the American UK embassy debacle. The man has a diabolical hatred of other race groups in particular Africans. He simply is unable to accept that indeed an African-American occupied the oval office in the world’s most powerful nation and will therefore do everything and anything in his power to show Americans that they committed a cardinal sin by voting Obama into office and will not rest until he has ‘purified’ the oval office by dismantling anything that could remind Americans and the world that indeed a non-white person made history by ascending to the highest office in the US.

African leaders should not waste their time and energy by seeking an apology from Trump, instead they should be motivated to align themselves with countries that don’t judge us by the colour of our skins. It is high time that African countries look east and forge new ties that will be based on mutual respect. The US president is clearly a very insensitive person considering the very history of his country where Africans were shipped against their will and sold as slaves in his native America.

Nobody will free us from the bondage of the Trump’s of this world but ourselves. We should realise that this president is only getting started and he is not going to stop in his imperialist style approach, look at his declaration that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel. He is showing the world that he is very divisive. The good thing from his actions is that he is not diplomatic and this should fuel non-white countries to mobilise their resources and form new pacts with countries that will accept us Africans as part of the human race.

Trump represents a significant symbol of white supremacy, non-white countries should not be worried about Trump the individual but rather about the symbol that he represents. We should be worried by the fact that Trump’s beliefs are so appealing to a significant section of the American voters.

We should be worried that a self-proclaimed righteous country such as the US would have a sizeable section of the population actually finding Trump’s beliefs to be appealing to the extent that they would vote him into power. Whether we like it or not, what Trump articulates as president is the official position of the American people, if they believe he is not representing them properly, they should impeach him.

The American voters who are screaming racism must take solace in the fact that Trump did not just ascend the oval office, they voted him into that office despite the fact that he was openly insultive to non-white people during his campaign but strangely the voters still thought he could make a great leader, they should live with that and accept complicity in the verbal atrocities that their president is unleashing to non-white people the world over.


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