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With social media these days, it is amazing how quickly information can be shared. However, many simply read the first line and the last line of those long texts sent to them and if it states that it should be shared with some 15 contacts, they simply copy and forward without even realising that such messages normally have a single line that taps into the fear vibration.

This can be really upsetting to one, for inevitably at the end of such messages it normally states that one should wait for one or other ‘miracle’ in their lives, or that if they do not forward same, one or other ill luck with befall one, thus leading to people believing that if they do not send same, God will punish them. It should be borne in mind that we are masters of manifesting our fears. Few know how to tap into the power of the God within, to manifest the life they truly deserve. Sending such messages is unconscious behaviour for I do not believe God will punish me for not enriching my service provider. Such messages simply waste one’s internet bundles, time and very little if anything can be achieved by merely copying, pasting and forwarding such.

I love original messages, for I tap into the energy of the person who took the trouble to think, draft and then send the completed composition. Those uplift the soul and touch ones deepest emotions. While reading same, the reader becomes one with the writer.  Incorrect spelling, grammatical errors etc tend to denote to the reader that the writer was rushing and not fully present. I do not like abbreviations of any sort. If someone has no time to write sentences in full, I have no time to respond. I have never been good at guessing. I always must know. Why should I have to Google such abbreviations?

I love it when others share valuable information, it arouses the desire to know more, to do more and to learn more. Let us each become conscious of the messages forwarded. We must verify the truthfulness or otherwise of same so that we do not become conduits for arousing insecurities in others, nor are we the bearers of all that is untruthful and worthless.

Inalda Jorge-Antonio

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