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If you are a young girl and can read this, I beg you to pause for a moment.

You said you felt your child inside you and I want you to think about this statement. Your child is already here and you are already the child’s mother. You can give this child the most precious gift in the world: the gift of life. No matter the circumstances you are in, nothing warrants the abortion of your precious child. You, as the child’s mother, can overcome all adversity and raise this precious child. I don’t know whether you believe in God, but I must share with you that you are a child of God, loved by Him and created in His image. Your child is also created in God’s image and is loved by Him. Please understand that God actually gave His son, Jesus Christ for you and your child. Through Him, you can find the strength to love your child and give him/her the gift of life. Please also understand that I have heard this line of thought from countless women who have gone through with abortion, only to find themselves in deep pain down the road.

The regret and hurt that often follows abortion is monumental and devastating for mothers and fathers. Please also know that there are so many people who would help you with anything you need to make sure your child has a wonderful life. They can also help you find an amazing family to adopt your child if that would be an option for you. My sister, I am not just pleading for the life of your child, I am pleading for you. I know you are in a situation right now that seems overwhelming and the world has told young women that the best solution for these situations is abortion. I know that you think this will be the best choice for you, that this will free you to live your life the way you want to. Please understand that abortion is a lie; it is an attack not only on your child but also on you. It is an act of violence against women; a destroyer that takes what is beautiful and natural and turns it into death.

My sister, I love you enough to tell you the truth; that abortion will not only kill your child, it will rob you of motherhood. It will not make you cease to be a mum. That is something you are now and will be forever. Your motherhood, however, will be taken from you and thrown into trash. Please, ladies, love yourself enough to embrace the gift God has given you. Remember; abortion makes you a mother of a dead child. Let’s hold hands fellow Swazis and say no to abortion.

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