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Compromise forms the building blocks which make up the foundations of a relationship.

It is one of the fundamental attributes every relationship requires to be successful. Think of compromise as heavy-duty glue that could hold a tall tower together and keep it intact for years. The ability to compromise represents the glue that holds every piece of a relationship together and makes it whole. Imagine your partner has a wedding to go to, but has no viable means of transport. She asks whether you can take her, but you refuse due to not having enough petrol to last you the week. She compromises by offering to pay for your petrol to not only take her, but also for your entire working week, saving you money. Isn’t this a good way to compromise with one another? Isn’t this a good way of working together to come up with a suitable solution for the both of you? Compromising represents the act of selflessness. It illustrates one’s ability to change the nature of a problem, to create a solution you’ll both be happy with.
It’s good to have an opinion but where there is passion, devotion and unwavering stubbornness or unwillingness to understand a situation from multiple points of views the relationship will inevitably break.

Do not panic if your partner refuses to compromise. Consider this: If it is their first time working out a resolution seriously with a partner, they might see compromise as a weakness or a foreign idea. A saying exists that goes; “It is better to lose the battle in order to win the war.” There will be times where you have to stomach your pride in order to come to a resolution during an argument. But if your partner refuses to compromise, you may have to completely step back for the sake of preserving the relationship, which is more important than winning an argument. For now, it might be troublesome to let your partner have his or her way, but in the long run, it is worth the trouble. You will maintain a positive relationship and you will know how to resolve problems in future. Choosing not to compromise may cost you the relationship in the long run, because similar problems that will not resolve themselves will arise even if both partners have forgotten the specific issue. If it hasn’t been worked out between the two of you, ignoring it will not make it better. If you have a partner who never compromises, then you should rethink the relationship and where it might be headed. 

Men often take longer than women to open up, and it can be frustrating to feel like you are progressing much quicker than your partner. Please remember that just because someone doesn’t love the same way you do, it doesn’t mean they don’t love with all that they have. Patience is a characteristic that I feel many of us neglect in so many aspects of our lives. It’s important to not only be patient with our loved ones’ hearts, but patient with the heart beating within our own chest. We have all loved and lost, been hurt and scared, and we are all choosing to put one foot in front of the other in an attempt to love again. Be patient with your feelings, be patient with your emotions and be patient when giving your love.

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