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One of the devastating encounters to both Christians and non Christians are to ask for something but it never granted. So, does the Holy Bible contradict itself since it’s the very same book that says “ask and it shall be given to you”? King Solomon’s story in (2Chro1), justifies the fact that the Holy Bible is never contradicting itself.

Solomon was in need of knowledge and wisdom, just as you are in need of your breakthroughs. He got wisdom because of the three things he did.
Firstly, in vs. 1 the Bible says that “He established himself firmly over His Kingdom”. He never doubted God, do you? That is why it continues to say that “God was with Him”. The implication is, establish yourself in the Heavenly kingdom. Love your enemies and your neighbour as you love yourself.  That is why I say “charity begins in the community.”

Now, if you haven’t accepted Christ as your personal saviour, its time you do so. For your own good. John 1 v 12 states that “to all who received Him and believed in his name, He gave them the right to be called children of God”. Now who can give his treasure to strangers? Who can deny his children what they ask for? You have the right to be a child of God. This is what the King bore in his mind and carried in his hand before the Almighty God.
Most people don’t like this second thing the King did. In verse 6, we notice that He offered thousands of burnt offerings. This doesn’t suggest that you have to bring noticeable offerings. Praying for other people is an offering. Surrendering your life to Christ is an offering. Being helpful is an offering too. This can apply to both underprivileged individuals and the fortunate. Why wouldn’t God answer your request if you are proving zealous in doing what is good? If you run for God’s things, He will run for your things.

Lastly, God is a faithful God, who keeps promises. In the book of Numbers 23 vs. 19, the Bible says that “God is not human, that should lie, not a human being, that he should change His mind.” As people of this world we are compelled to know this life fact. Solomon knew that God “fulfills the desires of those who fear Him, he hears the cry and saves them.” Psalms 146 vs. 19.
Whatever you ask from God must be from deep within the heart. It shouldn’t just be something you admired from your friend or a passerby. He will give you what you need, at the time you need it. Solomon needed wisdom to lead his nation.

He also feared the Lord, for example he didn’t insult the Lord when in pain or trouble. Restrict yourself from the small, tiny evil things. Job 28 vs. 28 “the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom and to shun evil is understanding.”
Develop these three steps before approaching the Almighty God, you will definitely be surprised. God bless you according to His transcendent riches.

Mdluli Mlondi

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