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Upon going through the recent voters roll it was shocking to note how many people registered using addresses which were not their bona fide residences.

This showed one not only that people are ignorant about the dangers of doing such, but it is quite obvious they do not know that this could result in them being charged with fraud. Doing a so called ‘friend’ a favour could land one in jail.
 It is fraudulent to give ‘false information’ whether about one’s name, place of birth, date of birth, residential address, marital status or educational qualifications. I don’t know whether people who have done such realise that they prevent genuine candidates, who would do work to improve the living conditions of the people in that constituency, from winning.

Voting for candidates who only pay for a meal for someone once or purchase them booze once, should be quite obvious to the person being bribed that this person is merely doing this to attain one objective; that of winning votes and nothing more. It also divulges to others that the person agreeing to vote for this proposed candidate is accustomed to not taking responsibility for their actions, is selfish and inconsiderate; the consequences of such an act results in residents of specific areas failing to receive assistance.

People who have in the past fallen victim to such bribery can vouch that once these proposed candidates get into power, they care less about those who voted them into positions and continue to enrich themselves and do very little if anything for others. Let us look at all those who were in power in the past; what exactly did they do for the people? Did such people have the knowledge and capacity to discuss matters at the level of local government? Besides driving fancy cars, did they build houses and improve their standard of living and that of their families?

Charity begins at home; if the immediate family did not receive assistance from these people, what makes ‘fraudulent voters’ believe they will receive assistance? It is imperative that voters check up on people before electing to vote them into power to see what that person has done in the past to help others. A person who has never done anything to help others is not suddenly going to change and become a good Samaritan. Track people’s history; are they consistent?
Do they care about preserving the environment, helping others, are they people who are always involved and doing things or are they just people you only see and hear of on a Sunday in church. Numerous crimes have been perpetrated by those prophesying to believe in God. There is a great difference between ‘preaching’ and ‘doing’. May all those who registered using ‘fraudulent addresses’ give themselves up or face the consequences as various communities are no longer prepared to sit back and remain silent. Every resident who is aware of a fraudulently registered person should, to secure their own future, report such to the police.

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