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Two years ago people told me it was too early to judge or assess the PM’s government. According to them judging and assessing government’s tenure was unfair since much could still happen in the remaining lifespan of government.
Now five years thereafter, which actually is the end of the PM’s government, nobody can say it is out of place to assess government on what it has done or failed to do.

Assessment is continuous so it is always important to look at the present while waiting for the future, making an update when the time comes, based on fresh or new developments.
Yes by the end of the year, government would be five years in office. The question therefore is; in the past five years how has the current government faired?

How have the actions and inactions of those in government impacted on the citizens? Has the vision of government been realised?
Have the expectations of the people been met?
For me this administration has not only failed to manage the expectations of a populace that expected viable hospitals, a sound education institution, a friendly police force, a stable economy, but has failed to deliver on mundane matters when it had means to do so.

In a simple verdict this government has not done well. Its failure to provide basic health infrastructure is a clear verdict that it has not done well and it’s a disappointment. Our hospitals are pitiable and pathetic. Swazis embark on medical tourism because there is an outrageously calamitous situation in the health sector; the hospitals are just not working.
Then there is of course the economy; where does one begin? The state of despondency in the country summarises the feelings of Swazis who in the past five years have experienced very tough times.

Today the cost of living has shot up the roof. The standard of living has nose-dived to an all time low as people barely try to survive, cannot even afford the staple food that was common and taken for granted in the past.
 There is nothing to cheer this administration about. The majority of people are disappointed. At times like these, they remember the skewed appointments into government positions that favour a section of the country.
They see obvious marginalisation of the Swazi people. They see arrogance of those in power and those who think they own Swaziland. They see the incapability of the PM who is battling with his government to make Swaziland a better place to live.

They see a PM battling to succeed. They see all this and watch how a tiny clique of the nation is riding roughshod on them, doing what they please. They see all this.
A government that has not made no impact on their lives, and they have no confidence in it.
Today Swazis are worse off under this administration and the truth is inconvertible. Malice may attack it, ignorance may deride it, but in the end, there it is!

Colleen Matsebula

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