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When satan tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden, he told them that if they ate from the tree of knowledge, their eyes would be opened and they would become wise, knowing the difference between good and bad.
Satan was obviously not referring to their physical eyes because those would have already been open.

So, which eyes was Satan referring to?
Certain religions teach about the ‘third eye’ or the ‘eye of the soul,’ which, when opened, supposedly leads to a higher consciousness or a state of godhood.
This ‘third eye’ is also known as the eye of the Shiva, the eye of clairvoyance, the eye of providence or the `terrible eye’ of Jahbulon or Umbaba Samahongo.

The pineal gland located inside the skull between the eye sockets is said to be the so-called third eye, which can be opened through meditation and also through witchcraft and magic rituals.
It is thought that opening the third eye opens portals to the spirit world, which would otherwise remain invisible. Followers of the new age religions often refer to those spirits as channelled spirits.
New-agers like Alice Bailey also suggested that man can become his own god!

She is said to have been the author of the Ten-point Plan For The Destruction of Christianity.
New agers do, however, defence their view that man can become god by quoting John 10 verse 34, where Jesus said, “Is it not written in your law, I said you are gods?’’
In Psalms 82, God commands the judges of men to defend the poor and the needy from the wicked and also calls them gods.

However, to reveal to us that he did not mean literal divine beings, he went on to tell them that they were still mere mortals who would also face death like most men.
Although some religions teach about constant reincarnation until one achieves complete enlightenment or `godhood’ discerning Christians will be aware that only demonic spirits have the need to incarnate (possess a human body) and reincarnate when they lose their human hosts.

By becoming ‘gods’ through occult rituals, do they gain the power to overcome death? Only God of heaven has that power.

Swazi Citizen


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