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Allow me Mr Editor to air my views regarding how our government does not live up to expectations especially when it comes to some of the things that it says are priorities for example the health sector.

Judging from recent events it is clear that providing health for all seems like a dream especially if we are going to go for weeks without drugs in most, if not all, hospitals because suppliers have not been paid.

What kind of government does that?
I’m not saying our government does not respond to pleas directly but history has taught some of us that our government does not listen to the people.

The government is not and has never been people driven nor is it chosen by the people.
Instead government is obsessed with spurious vanity projects as evidenced by our numerous white elephants found in all corners of the country.


It would also be unwise for us to use comparisons in advancing our concerns, but it’s an uncontroverted fact that government’s priorities are skewd, from funding international trips, luxury motorcades, being father christmas, before Christmas to the powerful and wealthy to masquerading as a rich, prosperous kingdom even when plagued with extreme poverty and skull-cracking levels of youth unemployment.

Government’s favourite response has always been one of these or a combination of the following, “we have no money,” “we are engaged in belt-tightening,” “the budget has been exhausted,” “this is not the right ministry,” “those are plans for next year’s budget,” “there are other areas that need such interventions,” “people from that area go to Piet Retief for treatment,” “you people have Magubheleni Clinic as well,” ‘‘that area is spoilt, we are working on the road and now you want a health centre,” “there is a staff and housing shortage, “we are working on that issue,” “the relevant people are on leave,” etc.

SB Gamedze

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