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Having to constantly read about leniency towards drink-driving offenders has made me wonder whether my views are too hard-line or basically incorrect.

Why doesn’t the media put me in my place and publish stories from around the world where presiding magistrates are massaging their egos with the same ‘charitable and kind’ handling of ‘DD’ offenders?  

You will not find any stories from anywhere; it is only in the kingdom where this offence is treated with kindness. I had to read about the same lenient magistrate being in ‘kind and charitable mood’ towards this weekend’s offenders following the previous weekend’s bout of leniency. Most offenders appreciated his generosity after expecting maximum fines; even the offenders expected to be nailed properly. Sometimes I wonder if I’m dreaming or perhaps the journalists have concocted this bizarre, almost ‘double standards’ scenario where certain crimes are punished harshly but this one gently?

Perhaps those who pass judgment in our courts are trying something different with this constant failure to apply harsh sentences to those who drink and drive? It must be vastly different because I can’t see one iota of effect from this kindness and it’s not like drink-driving figures are improving. Is there anywhere else where ‘DD’ is treated so lightly; fines are very affordable and nobody spends any time behind bars?

Offenders fight with police officers, they drive unroadworthy vehicles, are often without a driver’s licence as well as causing havoc on the roads to many innocent bystanders and property yet magistrates hand down small fines and if you can’t afford that you get a short prison sentence? Nobody has had to opt for jail time yet; all have managed to pay their fines. Is it any wonder there is no fear when it comes to drink-driving or what becomes of you if arrested for the aforementioned?  

For some reason the courts listen to excuses and promises from the offenders in front of them each and every week. Then we hear them being warned to heed the law and woe betide they face the wrath (aka charity!) of this court again?
Incarceration, licences to be cut in half and lengthy bans are empty threats we hear from those presiding in court regularly but have we seen or heard of such punishments for the ‘DD’ offence?

Yes, of course we have but it’s generally everywhere else in the SADC region and of course in the First World. It is just not happening here despite the numerous arrests for the same crime each and every week. The media reported 113 arrests this weekend which includes, amazingly, no arrests in Manzini?

If these leniency toting magistrates took their charitable blinkers off they would see their behaviour is not creating any fear or respect? Drink-driving offenders should find themselves in a tough spot once facing any charges relating to ‘DD’ but currently that is just wishful thinking.


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