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As one looks at the structure of the Almighty God one may at times be deceived to the extent that God is only a God of achievers and perfect people.

  The Bible then brings us to a realisation that numerous times God has shown Himself to even call the imperfect to do His perfect will.
Failure is not the end but it only becomes a stumbling block, a way to do things better not only academically but spiritually and otherwise.

It is also worth noting the characteristics of God to call upon those whom society declared imperfect to be God’s precious tools.
We find God calling and using Moses knowing pretty well he murdered a person, He goes on to call and use Paul when He had a clear understanding of the condemnation of the Christians by Paul (previously Saul.)

As if the Lord does not consider the past of these people He appoints a herdboy by the name of David to be king with zero accolades in military nor in leadership.

The Lord amazes me when He chose a nation which had been slaves for more than 400 years in Egypt and He said Israel would be a chosen nation and a nation very dear to Himself, which is illustrated in the book of Exodus.
Jacob stole his brother’s blessings but later on gave birth to Israel; Joseph was also a slave and went to prison but was later appointed prime minister.

Abraham had a lineage of idol worshipping but later on received a blessing from God to be the father of many nations.
The prodigal son lived with swines but was later welcomed as a prince in his father’s household.
Peter denied Jesus Christ more than once but when Christ rose from the dead He made sure that Peter was the one to be told that Jesus had risen from the dead.

Jesus was a God but was born in a manger by a normal family.
This is a clear sign that we have a God who cares and loves us, no matter how many times we lose our footings/ how imperfect we are. As the old saying goes; “God does not call the qualified but qualifies the called.”

Siphiwo Sebenele Lushaba

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