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A very good day people of Faith. Seeing that we are busy celebrating Easters these days, I just wondered if we really understood what they mean?

Most say it is celebrating the death of Jesus, through which our sins were cleansed, which ‘Theo-logically’ is correct. But let’s get to the very gist of Easters.

First I hope we know that God has revealed himself in three different ways; God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. During Easters, we are celebrating a third of God, which is the Son part. So, what’s so significant about the Son one may ask?
This is God becoming human in order for him to go through what humans go through. Remember God does not die, sleep, cry or feel pain. God is above everything but the Son dies, cries, sleeps and feels pain.
During Easters, there should be a ‘thanksgiving’ of some sort to the Almighty because He was able to humble himself and become human and experience what we as humans go through.

As sin had entered the Earth through a human being so it was only logical to let it vacate Earth through another human being, which was the Son.
I will not get into the details of what happened when Jesus died on Calvary but I will touch on this; ‘and God left him’ then Jesus died.

Listen you will never die because science tells you so or people tell you so but you will die when God has permitted and God only permits when He wants His will to be fulfilled through your life.
By death it doesn’t mean the physical death people but spiritual death. Spiritual death is when you die emotionally (eg losing someone special to death or through a break-up etc).
All who died will be raised back to you in three days, that’s if you have Faith. God works in three.
How many crosses where in Calvary when Jesus was crucified? God bless us all and may He restore all the years the canker worm stole away.

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