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The Elections and Boundaries Commission (EBC) has already started what is known as civic education in preparation for the next elections. At times I ask myself if my fellow brothers and sisters out there even understand the meaning of civic education and why it is vital.

My dear Swazis, all of you know that you reap what you sow which means that what you plant today is what you will harvest later in your life.
This means that the people you elect to go and serve your needs in Parliament are very important so there is a need to ensure that you do not make the mistake of electing the wrong people.

We are quick to judge and say our leaders are failing us but we forget that we are the ones who committed the mistake of selecting the wrong leaders. MPs are expected to lead us into development and if we vote for the wrong candidates, then we will not see the development that we want.

Many of the people who are MPs do not have the qualities so there is a need to ensure that in the next coming elections, we vote for people with good characters.

It should be people who are capable of taking responsibility for their actions and tasks plus have self-discipline.
Before even suggesting a name of a person, citizens must be confident that he or she is capable of serving their needs. Our communities deserve better than what we are given.

Due to challenges like hunger, most Swazis find themselves voting for people just because they gave them food parcels. These candidates go on and make empty promises and once in Parliament, they just enjoy the comfort and forget about all the concerns of the people back in the constituencies.

The time has come for a Parliament that comprises people who will put the interests of the citizens ahead of themselves instead of focusing on enriching themselves and living fancy lives.
As the EBC continues its work, they must instill in the citizens the idea that the vote is important since it has the power to relegate those that think that our state organs are a playground for self-enrichment.

I plead with all members of the Swazi society to be vigilant in the elections so that the elected persons are those who know and understand their primary role, which is to serve the interests of the masses.

M B Dlamini

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