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I observe in awe the cunning manner in which numerous insurance commercials are recorded.  They ensure they tap into the fear instilled in numerous unconscious viewers.

The ‘fear’ of losing everything one has or the fear of being befallen by a terrible illness and having to be hospitalised indefinitely.
I used to be like that until I realised that unless one ‘entertains’ such fears, they do not materialise. One has to ensure they remain ‘fully present in the moment’ at all times to ensure one’s safety.

One’s ‘well-being’ has to do with the sort of lifestyle one chooses. Numerous illnesses can be prevented simply by ensuring one remains active, eats healthy, sleeps enough and does not entertain negative thoughts.

The funeral policies and their so- called ‘benefits’ made me think really deep. Whenever one of my family members has moved on into the spiritual realm my family and I get together and within 24 hours we bury the deceased.

To me there is no need for an expensive coffin, a marquee and catering because the money could have been put to better use by giving it to the deceased while he/she was alive. It really would have improved their quality of life instead of ‘keeping up appearances’ and spending money to impress.
I see no need for a memorial or even a funeral. If I could donate every organ in my body to improve the living conditions of another who may need it when I pass on, that would be the fulfilment of my greatest dream.

This reminded me of people in abusive relationships. Those being abused state that they remain in such relationships because they ‘do not think they will be able to provide for themselves and their children’. The abuser cashes in on their fear to manipulate those they abuse into ‘believing’ they are the only ones who will provide for them. The fear of the unknown is what prevents many from taking a leap of faith.

What many do not realise is that we all have ‘unlimited potential’. One need only tap into the ‘power’ within and take steps to manifest what one desires to such a degree that it has no choice but to materialise. Remember that the God within you is more powerful than anything you can encounter out there. No situation is permanent, and we are all here to learn and grow. We must always remember that which we fear we draw to ourselves.

We have to learn to master the art of overcoming those fears in realisation that if we do not, we will not harness all the goodness the universe has on offer. If we daily step out of the comfort zone, stop fearing and experience something different, no matter how small, this will give us the enthusiasm to look forward to yet another day with unlimited experiences. Forget the past; it is dead and gone. Live for the future; it is alive and full of potential.

(Comments: My FB page; www.inalda.co.sz; inaldathegreat@gmail.com)
Inalda Jorge-Antonio

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