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I hate the seriousness of commuters. All eyes directed on those bright screens having the world completely disregarded. Let us talk about how we ought to make the world a better place, how we can help each other for everyone else’s sake.

Let us talk about the economy, maybe about the weather, maybe about girls and boys. Let us talk fruitfulness, fulfilling and thought provoking issues.

Let us talk about the beauty of accountability, of stewardship and of love. Let us talk about education, knowledge and its beauty. We may even talk about safe sex, responsible drinking and responsible driving, how speed is so unnecessary.

Let us talk about unemployment, teenage pregnancies, HIV infections, and about better ways to cut the link between poverty and newer infections.
Let us, sister and brother, put away the phones and talk about your marriage and my relationships.
Counsel me and I will return the favour. Strangle my neck for my absurd behaviour at home and work because when we talk, you will know how I do things and how I treat people.

Tell me if you had a chance you would march against Trump or maybe for him.
Let us talk about the links between collectivism and populism and stupidity, about our own democracy and its lack of accountability and humility. It is a long distance and we may even talk about what I ate for lunch and you will tell me what you had. I’ll ask about when last you did something for someone else without the hurdles of expecting a return and you will tell me the truth. Let us talk, maybe I will tell you who I am.

Instead of sliding through redundant photos timeously changing your profile the entire distance how about I tell you of my dreams, the dreams about this place where people, responsibility, devotion, honesty, truth, integrity, servant hood and humility will be inseparable buddies and I will listen to yours as well.

 I might tell you how I wish fathers would love support and cherish their daughters and because we know they are broke, all we need is their guidance and unwavering wisdom.

You need to know how I think initiatives like ‘Kwakha Indvodza’ would rise and ‘ignorance’ would fall. I would like us to talk about how nice it would be that we could enhance people’s lives, educate folks, empower women, avail opportunities for our youth and create decent paying jobs for our working classes and maybe, just maybe you will buy yourself a car. We might also deliberate on the issue of Christianity taking the front seat, well, we serve a living God.

There is plenty to say and listen to and please, do not think I will not ask for your number at the end of the journey, to talk more.

FIFA Dlamini.

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