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In the Old Testament era, there were a couple of times when leaders had to kill newborn babies to control the population.

Sometimes it was a good move when it was just those few leaders driven by evil deeds to eliminate other human beings and prevent a certain ‘thing’ from happening. You might remember the story of Moses and that of Jesus’ birth. However, for now, let us forget spiritualising this matter.

Let us look into the economic aspect of it. I would like to believe that controlling how people reproduce is smarter and proactive than the evil alternative of human harvesting.
As wrong as that may sound, it could be possible and it is.
It has been done previously in other places, when populations become too much. Wars are just one form of human harvesting.
The Holocaust was another.

Looking at the populations of Nigeria, India and China, it may be clear that human beings at some level do need to be controlled.
These are the same people who are becoming a nuisance everywhere in the world. I once heard one Nigerian Mafia in Midrand, South Africa joking that wherever they go, they take over; they become a country within a country.
That is a bad thing, especially when it starts to affect other countries, causing world and economy discomfort.

As the Masters of Psychology and some rich people in the likes of the Rockefeller family once came up with a ‘mind control’ method to study and to control human beings did, countries like Swaziland could use the formulation of some birth control policies. It is clear that Swazis are poor people.

The poorer they are, the more children they tend to have, and this should not be a laughing matter nor should it be taken lightly by our politicians just so they use it as a campaigning tool.
Most of the poor people we see around us are people born in numbers in a poor and struggling background.

Most criminals too, are highly likely people who grew up struggling, possibly because they were many at home. Now, people are not like livestock.
Of course the more livestock there is, the better for everyone, except motorists because one can sell and make money as well as slaughter and get meat. Human beings, the more they are, the worse off we become, especially in a tiny country like this one failing to get rich from what we have.

The more we are, the higher the crime and many barbaric acts surface, as we can see already from the disappearing children.
Our leaders just do not care. The more the population, the more their victims.
It is about time people compete with people of their calibre and beat them fair and square. Our politicians are weak.
They take advantage of the poor and less privileged.

They are only like greedy, money-hungry, blood thirsty creatures sucking both the government and general populace dry, while trying to enrich themselves and their families. They use the general public as nothing but their ladders to success. As soon as they are in parliament, they deliberately ignore the same people who voted for them - until the next elections.
That is such a lame and annoying strategy. The less said about the killing of innocent souls just to win these elections, the better. That is to show how weak they are.

Taking other people’s lives and manipulating their spirits to make them more powerful is actually the exact reason they become poor and irrelevant again, as soon as they leave parliament. They do not know that now, do they?
That is why we have to stand up and advocate for change.
The kind of change we need is not getting rid of the institution of the monarch.
What we have to lobby for is a change in the way we live and the way we conduct ourselves.

We should lobby for change in our policies and implement more meaningful strategies. China, one of our friends, implemented something called a `One Child Policy’, which was a part of the family planning policy for that country.
According to the Chinese government, 400 million births were prevented, now whether that is true or false, I am saying Swaziland should look into it.
Our country is too small to go on having children at this rate.
Such is what our lousy politicians should be working on. They should also be looking into the economics of the country thereof, not the ‘pre-school mentality’ of ‘ayes’ and ‘nays’ we hear on radio.

False Prophet

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