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I have always advocated that bodies are breaking down from ‘lack of use’ not from ‘overuse’.  I do not think I realised the depth of this statement!

I had been having problems with a knee that I was now ‘shielding’ and even adopting a posture that tended to curve my spine in my unconscious desire not to feel the pain.
I took an anti inflammatory for about a week but the pain was something I still felt. I had shared with a friend that whenever I jogged I found the knee did not trouble me as much as when I did not jog. I, however, decided to refrain from jogging for a while but the pain persisted. Climbing up stairs or a ramp was uncomfortable.

I then watched a programme called ‘Trust me I am a doctor’ where a study was done with 100 participants of all ages, including senior citizens. A third of the group was given placebo tablets and told it would ease their joint pain.
The second group was given a ‘highly recommended’ joint building, pain easing tablet sold by a pharmaceutical company.

The third group was made to exercise daily for a minimum of 45 minutes. This study went on for six weeks. The first group, despite saying they felt much better and could do things they had not done in years, when their muscles and joints were checked they were exactly in the same condition as before the placebo tablets. In their minds they believed it was working, so they were ‘healing’ themselves. The second group also claimed they were much better, yet tests proved they were in exactly the same situation as before the medication.

Upon testing the third group’s muscles and joints, same had improved by almost 40 per cent. Since the muscles were now stronger, there was less stress on the joints and mobility was not only easier but these people were more flexible and totally pain free.
This study proved to me beyond doubt that healing starts in the mind. This is why I always say, if we think and feel positive thoughts, we heal quicker. It also takes less energy to remain positive than it does to feel negative, for when we are negative we are in a state of resistance. 

I returned to jogging and my knee has not troubled me since! I will continue to jog, it is free and it saves money by not purchasing tablets which have no scientific proof that they improve mobility.
We have to stop putting everything first before ourselves. If we cannot take care of the only bodies we have to live in during this lifetime, then it is obvious we will have nowhere to live. Many use the excuse that they have no time. 
If one has no time to take care of self, then it is obvious one will die young.  I believe everything starts and ends with self.

Take care of you, find time for you. Make yourself a priority so that you will be around for your children and grandchildren. Teach them how to make their own money instead of worrying about what you will leave them upon your demise.

(Comments: My FB page; www.inalda.co.sz ; inaldathegreat@gmail.com)
Inalda Jorge-Antonio

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