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There are those who do good because they thrive on validation from others, but there are those who do good simply because it makes them feel good, uplifts them and they know they have to be the change they want to see in the world.

Doing good need not cost money; it can be that smile at someone whose soul has touched yours for one reason or another; that kind gesture towards another by picking up something they have dropped; taking a moment and extending a very special thank you despite others considering that insignificant, since so many believe if people are paid to do certain work they do not deserve recognition.

When you take a moment to acknowledge anything done for you by another, whether it be their job or not, they feel not only appreciated but it uplifts them for the day. 

Often I have thought, let me do something for that person by simply giving them a ride into town and after they are seated, they inevitably say something that uplifts and inspires me for the day. I fully validate the saying, ‘That which you do to another you do unto you’. I also believe we will always attract those who are vibrating at the same frequency and thus the reason I always say, if you do not like the manner in which someone has greeted you, do not ask what is wrong with them, instead ask; “What is wrong with me today?”

There is absolutely nothing you can do about another for you are only in control of yourself.
It need not matter to you whether your politeness was acknowledged; you must do it simply because you can. You are the only one who can create that good feeling within yourself, so just do it expecting nothing. There is nothing that goes unrecognised by the universe for whatever you send out, you will benefit from it later in life. Likewise you already know about karma, if you are one of those who follow my articles or read my Blog.

What is so amazing about doing good is that if you elect to do it first thing in the morning, the tone for your day has been set.
You walk on air, you have a spring in your walk, your voice has that happy upbeat tone and in fact very little if anything can get you down for what other people think, say and do automatically takes the back seat in your mind.

So, if you are feeling there is nothing interesting happening in your life and everything is ‘always the same’ and boring, then come out of safe mode and start operating from the highest feeling ever you have about who you are. Let’s start a revolution, let us spread love, consideration and joy wherever we go! Let us each be the change we want to see in the world!

(Comments: My FB page; inaldathegreat@gmail.com; www.inalda.co.sz )
Inalda Jorge-Antonio

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