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The birth of Jesus heralded great news of joy to all people of the earth. You are the reason Jesus came, you are the product of God’s perfect love and a gift to the world.

You were deliberately planned, specially gifted and lovingly positioned for the life of glory, beauty, success and prosperity; you are the reason for the season.
 What is the spiritual importance and benefit of the birth of Jesus Christ to everyone in the world? What do the letters ‘C-H-R-I-S-T-M-A-S’ mean?

 C – Means Christ has come/Christ is born.
H – Stands for Hope, our life in Christ is now fulfilled because Christ has come. You’re at rest now, you are at peace because Christ has come and your hope for a glorious, prosperous life has been fulfilled.

R – Means Righteous. Now that Christ has come and Hope has been realised, Righteousness is yours now. There’s no need to struggle to please God in your works of righteousness. He has made you an epitome of His own righteousness. (2 Corinthians 5:21) “For He was made sin for us, who knew no sin, that we may be the righteousness of God in Him.”

 I - Means Inheritance. Inheritance has been bestowed on you; you are no longer ordinary, you are no longer poor, no wonder the Bible declares that you are a joint heir with Christ (Romans 8:17).
 S – Means Salvation has been consummated, since Christ has come.

T– Means Telling the untold that Christ has come. Today tell someone about Jesus.
M – Means Ministry. It means taking your place as a minister of reconciliation. You’ve been made a minister of the gospel. You’ve got a ministry to tell the untold that Christ has come and what is that ministry saying? That’s why ‘A’ stands for Acceptance. That is what we have been commissioned to tell everybody about Christmas, that they’ve been accepted. What a ministry, to tell the world that they’ve been accepted, no matter what you have done, where you have been and how you’ve lived your life, you are acceptable before God.

Our father God is not counting your sins against you (2 Corinthians 5:19). This is what Christmas means. The final ‘S’ refers to son-ship. It means son-ship now. Now that we are accepted by Him, He has brought us into son-ship. No wonder John the Apostle cries out; “Beloved now we are sons of God,” (1 John 3:2).

You are not working your way to becoming a son, or trying to please God, no you are a son now. This is what Christmas means. As you celebrate, think about these things and your Christmas will be glorious. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.

Pastor Melusi Ndzinisa

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