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I have learnt with concern that dating is one of the most complex phenomena globally.
Since I was young my heart was always fond of a woman either at school or in the community. Confessing my heart to her was always one of the most difficult things I could ever do.  

This was until the time when peer pressure, group behaviour took its toll, that I started mumbling a few words in a shy manner.
This is no lesson taught at home neither is it a subject of much discussion at school but one is only told to refrain from it, with the positive attributes not spelt out altogether. The African culture is not so open to discussing the dating subject matter.

My history of dating has triggered the thought of ‘is either dating necessary or not’? 
This thought clouded my mind because according to my observation one’s first date is not always ones final spouse. This habit has eradicated the virgin population and propagated lustful beings thus assassinating the moral behaviour code.  I back not to differ with the Christian scripture that sex before marriage is fornication thus a sin and sex with one’s spouse is adultery and equally a sin.

I also concur with what was once a beautiful Swazi culture where virginity was the central attribute of marriage, which was the time where true moral Swazi men would dare not settle for a marriage with someone who was not a virgin woman.  As I see it today relationships are a modest way of siphoning money from one’s pocket.

If you don’t have the money you offer sex services if you have the money you buy all in the name of love. 
Then came the notorious Geneva Convention giving females rights to self-determination. I hate this convention. I see it as the worst demoralising treaty orchestrated by the human race. It has rendered women to behave like animals and some men are following suit.  Animals do not dress up but we humans do.  Some women, I believe, are an insult to the female gender.

Stanley Sangweni, Luve

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