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Submissions for bread

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The Ministry of Commerce Industry and Trade called for submissions from the populace but no one turned up.

The submissions were intended to assist the price control committee make an informed decision regarding the looming increase in the price of bread. 

Principal Secretary in the ministry Jinnoh Nkambule is quoted as having said the ministry learnt with surprise that no one bothered to make an input despite the widespread notice issued in the media. Because society has decided not to exercise their right to participate in issues that affect them there will be no one to blame when the new price of bread is excessive.

Who will they complain to? The call to submit was made after the Swaziland Bakers Association (SBA) requested a price hike citing the increase in flour and associated goods which decreased their profit margins. People were given a chance and they did not take it. Once the increase is effected it will prove difficult for people to lodge their complaints afterwards.
As it is, people are struggling as unemployment is at a record high and those who are employed have very little cash to spare. A basic commodity like bread will no longer be affordable to the man on the street and this will also not help with the inflation rate which is affected by basic commodities.

The increase in the rate of inflation means other basic commodities are set to increase and then it will be a slippery slope from there.
Earlier in the year several retailers were busted for selling bread above the recommended price and what is worrying about this case is that although punitive measures were taken against the offenders, they were a fraction of what they made in profits from cheating. What is to stop them from doing it again considering that they got off lightly in the first place?
 After all is said and done people should not start pointing fingers at others should they be unhappy with the price of bread because they were given the opportunity to influence the eventual outcome.

New GI bread in the market

On another note, Premier Swazi Bakeries (PSB) has proved to a trendsetter in the bakery industry through launching its first range of low GI bread.
The health benefits of this type of bread are countless and health conscious people are sure to benefit from this range. Foods that are low in Glycemic Index, otherwise known as GI take a while to break down in your gut, resulting in a steady increase in blood sugar.
Low-GI breads have the advantage that they don’t make your blood sugar or insulin levels shoot up as is the case with white and standard brown and wholewheat breads.

For this reason, low-GI breads are suitable for anyone with insulin or blood sugar problems such as Type 2 diabetes and cardiovascular disease, among other conditions. People need to take better care of their health and introducing natural fibre-rich and good quality foods that form a low GI diet one can achieve sustained weight loss, less rapid extreme mood changes and hunger pangs.


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