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Safety in our schools

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There are three safe places for children; home, school and church.
However, the increasing number of cases of violence and abuse against children at these three places of safety is a serious cause for concern.
Just yesterday, it was reported that a young boy was dragged from the school premises into a forest and strangled by two grown men.

When parents send their children to school the last thing they expect is for them to be walking into harms way.
It is unacceptable that two men can do as they please on school property with school children without teachers or security witnessing the crime!
 We appeal to teachers and principals to please keep our children safe when they are in your care.
Make sure that no external elements can walk in and out of school premises as they please and more especially please, do not be the very perpetrators of violence against children.

53 per cent of women in SD unemployed

Research has revealed that more than half the total number of women in the country are not employed.
Despite years of active attempts at promoting gender equity in the employment sector, the number of women in the workforce is still staggeringly low.
There is still a long way to go before women can be afforded the same opportunities as men in the workplace. These statistics reveal that as such, women depend on a third party for sustenance and to look after their children. This further perpetuates the stereotype and prejudice against women that their place is in the kitchen and not in the office.
Also, it provides opportunity for abusive men to capitalise on the women’s dependence on them.
If a woman is unemployed and she lives with an abusive man, chances are, she will continue to stay and suffer the abuse since she will not be able to support herself otherwise.

Railway Employment

The new railway line whose construction is expected to commence in June 2014 and finished by April 2017 will cost about E14.9 billion. The rail line will run from Malutha to Sidvokodvo.

It is expected that there will be robust economic activity along the areas this line will run.
Small business people will be able to put food on the table for the next couple of months. The people who will be employed on a temporary basis should be from the communities where the line will be.

This is so that they benefit financially. We can only hope that these spin offs benefit the Swazi economy as there will be alternative transport for business people who do business with neighbouring countries.
Rail transport  is known to be cheaper than other forms of transport so this will reduce the strain felt by importers and exporters of goods when they incur massive costs on transportation.
The new rail line is also expected to complement the existing line and this can only be good for the parastatal and the country as a whole.

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