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Keep friends, family close

The importance of the significant role played by having a solid emotional and social base, is one that cannot be understated especially when it comes to the mental well-being of an individual. Having family or (a group of) friends who are readily available to offer and dedicate time, energy and resources to assist a person when need arises, is second to none while also being a key contributor to that persons’ psychological and mental health.

This goes beyond assistance in the form of physical or material things but further extends into the emotional and social realms of that particular persons’ life. Close family and friends also double act as that someone to confide in, give advice and provide a comfortable platform for gross emotional healing in the case one is inflicted therefore, it is extremely vital that one maintains these attachments to friends and family if the goal is to keep mental ill-health away.
Constantly search for ways to better yourself

This could be in the form of discovering a new hobby, revisiting old hobbies (and getting reacquainted with them) or doing something you have never done before. All these would offer a ‘psychological refreshment’- causing a positive shift in thinking, feeling and behaviour while also granting the individual a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction. Alternatively, another way of self-betterment is found in doing something for someone else and displaying a degree of empathy toward them. Random acts of kindness shown to someone (who does not have to be a relative) do go a long way in improving the mental health of the ‘giver’. An individual who helps or does things with the aim of assisting someone else is most likely to experience great satisfaction (from this) and tend to exist with a greater sense of purpose.

Lest we forget, the basis of all self-betterment begins with cleanliness and some investment in physical appearance. So, get up and dress up, smell good or go for that haircut and you might actually be surprised how much that is going to do for your esteem.
Detach yourself from relationships that negatively serve your mental health

As complex and longstanding as some social or romantic relationships are, some of them are more detrimental to our mental health than we actually realise. Healthy relationships provide emotional warmth, happiness and a general sense of belonging - this being their main purpose. However, some of the relationships that we as individuals are a part, do not constitute this and therefore, it makes them toxic to and for us. Although, breaking these attachments ( that is; detachment) may be difficult, it is important to stress that if the relationship(s) does nothing but leave the participants flooded with negatively impacting thoughts and feelings about themselves or their partner, it is of little use and will only contribute to a larger debilitation of the individuals’ mental well-being.

Find what makes you happiest then do that.
As the subheading suggests, do not stop doing what you love most and what grants you the greatest happiness and satisfaction. It is never too late to find your passion that will repay you with an unlimited sense of accomplishment, purpose and pride.

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