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GOLDEN error era; the sky dons dark clouds. The sun sets before dawn; brewing tragedies. Dreams lost in the excitement; no glory. Untold gory story unfolds; she is young and restless. She can barely read nor write; already she knows how to pencil her eyebrows.

Powdered face, mind is empty; she thinks she is gold digging. She should have known that she was the pure gold being dug. He said he would change her financial status; but didn’t mention that her blood status would change too

Teens stage their own downfall; the pregnancy aborted her future. Blurry pictures frame eroded beauty; how could God’s gift steal so much and stain us. Young love blossoms to wither budding flowers; love stories got mothers buying flowers for corpses. Sons drown in the same hole that poisoned their fathers; fathers deflower pampered kids. Negative world; ‘positivity’ was stigmatised. Word to the unborn; there is no life after birth.

I inked this poem with a heavy heart. 21st century, is this the great future they always predicted? What happened, liwe kuphi lizembe bantfu bakitsi? I want to say kutolunga but I would be lying to myself, God and you. I want to be optimistic but harsh reality pokes my eyes. Kutolunga kuphi when we are led by misled leaders, leaders who are driven by the love of power instead of power of love. Selfish leaders who slogan people’s pain to climb the political ladder?


We live in a world where uncles hijack their nieces’ childhood. Their tongues do not melt the in-laws during lobola negotiations, instead they usher death threats to their sisters’ daughters. What kind of uncle are you? ‘Malume uyalumana’, that’s what you say?

What kind of world is this? Fathers wear the innocence of the infants they deflower. The justice system justifies injustices and the truth is brown enveloped. Kulunga kuphi when we pimp churches to house the devil, when one cannot tell the difference between a pastor and a drug dealer? Kuphi when angry trigger happy police spray live bullets for no reason? Nitsi kulunga ini when wombs are crime scenes? Kulunga ini when mothers bury clothes of missing daughters? Kutolunga ini when we are enslaved by freedom and become victims of ‘you only live once’ (YOLO), when we fashion slay queening and gangsterism?

The world is an orphanage home the devil keeps adopting. Parents want to be parents when their children are doing well but as soon as they go through rough patches, they disown them. Parents! What does it mean to be a parent? Some parents do not have time for their children, they let television babysit their children while they go out kuyokudla busha babo. We neglect our children until tragedy turns them into overnight celebrities.


Ngwane lomuhle kuyasiphunyukela, let’s equip our youth with wisdom and truth. Our beautiful country is quickly transforming into a modern day Babylon. To my teen sisters and brothers, it’s ok not to be cool. Never ever lose yourself to try and fit in. Young girls, worth is not measured by the latest phones and expensive brands, stay in school! Do not auction yourself to any bidder. Do not go gold digging, you are the pure gold. In the words of US rapper, Akua Naru, ‘self love is the first romance’. Buhle bakho sikhali sakho, do not fall victim to your own beauty.

To my young brothers, you are the fathers and grandfathers of tomorrow. How are you going to head your families when all you know is how to roll a ‘spliff’ and chill on street corners?

Those corners will corner you and steal your future. Lonendlebe uvile, sisho njalo siSwati sakitsi. Forgive me for sounding negative, honestly this is a cry of despair. Humanity is decaying while the devil surfs on our tears. We can do better Ngwane lomuhle, alingasiphunyukeli live labogogo mkhulu. Please email me@mrmncedi12@gmail.com for feedback or comment

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