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THE development of a country is a lifelong task for all patriots. If government is not giving us what we need, we must not be held back by bureaucratic processes and boardroom politics.

On January 20 1961, towards the end of his inaugural speech, John F Kennedy said: “And so, my fellow Americans: Ask not what your country can do for you – ask what you can do for your country. My fellow citizens of the world: Ask not what America will do for you, but what together we can do for the freedom of man.”

The clarion call Kennedy made to the American people that day is applicable to all people across the globe, including in Africa. It is imperative that, as the year unfolds, citizens have one dominant thought in their minds - to contribute meaningfully to building and serving this country. Whatever skills, talents and gifts they have should be used in whatever way, individually and collectively, to accomplish one noble mission, which is to take this country forward.

People should not expect any money to flow from government. They should also not expect to be endowed with tenders from government to get their plans and ambitions off the ground so they can serve and build this country. They should discourage any form of handout as this only serves to undermine their brains. They are exceptional human creatures who are blessed with brains and the capability to do wonders. It does not matter whether we are talking about black brains, pink brains or brown ones. What counts is the maximum use of the power of thinking and decision-making.


In fact, among politicians in national, provincial or local government, only a few deserve or are qualified to be there. The most unfortunate reality is that politics has compromised most patriots, who have not been given the chance to prove their mettle by serving and developing South Africa. Society has unparalleled power. Voters can kick politicians out of office by using their cross on the ballot paper.

Benjamin Mays, a former Morehouse College head and civil rights activist, said: “Many potentially able men are not given a chance to rise to greatness. Most men cannot rise beyond the ordinary. Although there are millions of Americans, only a negligible number can attain the presidency of the US, a position in which opportunity, responsibility and time determine the extent to which a president can successfully meet the challenges that confront him during his four or eight years in the office. The truly great US presidents are few indeed.”


There should not be a time when people feel trapped in a social development cage by the absence of resources, or feel intimidated by the power and prestige associated with officials in high places. Cabinet members have no one-size-fits-all solution pertaining to the political and social challenges that are ravaging the very fabric of this country. Although these officials are surrounded by a sea of opportunities, the majority of citizens are far better than them in almost every aspect, especially in putting the societal ills and political needs of South Africa first.

Do not be chained down by bureaucratic processes and the boardroom politics of talks about talks and planning about plans. These days, young people are slaves to social media and can’t be bothered to read.

Most of this country’s towns and cities are filthy and unkempt. Why should citizens wait for government to issue a go-ahead mandate before initiating an anti-litter campaign in communities? There are pieces of land lying fallow, and there are many undeveloped areas in townships and rural areas. Why are those pieces of land not used for community gardens, which would allow people to benefit in cash and kind?

Let’s establish local reading and writing clubs – collect old newspapers and magazines to kick-start the process. Don’t wait for publishers to donate books. Retired and active teachers should guide young people and ignite an interest in reading. People who do not read or who lack the initiative to start reading become lifetime prisoners serving a sentence in a jail without walls.

The stark reality is that the development of this country is a lifelong task for all patriots.
In fact, experience and forever unfolding events on the stage of life continue to prove beyond any shadow of doubt that you do not need to be on the side of the majority to serve your country – you only need to think outside of the box and pursue your social ambitions and goals.
History is made by individuals who have a single-minded determination and unshakeable sense of purpose. The rest support their vision and begin to follow them because they are driven by a vision that enables them to clearly see the invisible. You can achieve greatness through serving others. The question of resources should be put aside. Instead, learn and continue to use what you have to secure what is not at your disposal.


Martin Luther King said: “Everybody can be great because everybody can serve. You don’t have to have a college degree to serve. You don’t have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don’t have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don’t have to know Einstein’s theory of relativity to serve. You don’t have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve. You need only a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love. And you can be that servant.”

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