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 THERE is no particular moment in time when we need love and compassion. Rather they are a part of our basic nature. The basic essence of being a human being is to be empathetic, loving and compassionate.

When we see a person who is in pain or some trouble, we should try to put ourselves in his or her shoes and then try to feel what he or she must be going through. This process makes us aware of what our ideal behaviour should be like.

If we see women then we should try to be compassionate towards them, view them as partners in development and not sexual objects to play with. I am not saying show them sympathy; this is the least that is needed. Rather we should understand the sufferings they go through and try to lessen their pain by being genuinely empathetic and treating them normally and not doing things that would harm them.

Further, if we see a pregnant lady in a bus or at a place where we pay utility bills, we should offer her a seat. It is not just a part of chivalry for men but is also applicable to women. If a woman will not be compassionate towards other women, how can we expect men to be empathetic to women since they are physically different and, therefore, understanding the pain and hardships of a pregnancy is more difficult?

National and international research evidence identifies several factors that can contribute to violence against women. It is well established that such violence occurs in societies due to the overarching gender inequalities between men and women as well as community attitudes that condone violence against women or view it as a private matter.

Violence against women is more prevalent in societies where there is greater gender inequality and where there are strict gender codes and expectations as argued by the World Health Organization. Further exacerbating the problem is the perpetuation of gender inequalities effected by violence against women.
We should, at all times, try to feel what another person is going through. This will help us understand their condition and enable us to be thoughtful. There are instances when people mock someone’s ailments. This is nothing but the lack of compassion in them. Doing this increases the hardships of the person already in pain.

Love and compassion are a state of mind that should be with us all the time. We don’t need to be a saint to practice this in life.

There are endless moments when we can shower love and care on women. The feelings of compassion and love are not restricted to other humans but also apply for animals and other living beings. Since we are the most developed of all the creatures on the planet, it is an extra responsibility for us to be considerate to animals and other lower species. It is only these feelings that make us different and above any other living organism on the planet

As parents, let’s strive to teach our children, especially boys, that girls are equal partners in development and when children grow up with these traits, they always remember them by being involved in social activities. We can relate this to the book of Proverbs 22 vs 6. “Train a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it.” Children grow up to be kind and good. When they get married and start their own families, they will inculcate the same teachings to their children. Hence, the chain continues.

While commemorating 16 days of activism, as men, let’s reflect on promoting equal and respectful relationships between men and women. Our lives are meant to be lived in a manner where everyone possesses respect for every person regardless of gender, thus proving the prime motive of our very existence in this world. Working together is key in removing all the unwanted things in this world and it brings the sense of true spirit and compassion among us.
It is well and truly said that there exists no stronger power than being together and fighting for each other to showcase true collective compassion. The true essence of humanity can only be restored provided there will be no limitation in providing justice against gender-based violence.

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