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Every level of growth demands different measures or levels of change in life.

The change factor teaches us that change is constant or permanent. No one escapes change, no matter how far you run or hide, change will finally catch up with you. Change is a natural phenomenon for all living creatures. A wise man once declared; “To everything there is a season, and a time for every matter or purpose under heaven; a time to be born and a time to die, a time to plant and a time to pluck up what is planted; a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance; a time to be silent and a time to speak.”

Understanding that everything in life changes will help us maximize our time and seasons, and help us develop realistic levels of expectation in the context of our relationships, finances or professions, and ultimately minimize our disappointments. Change will happen around us, to us, and within us. It is, therefore, important to learn how to respond positively to any form of change. The inability to respond properly to any form of change is usually the source of many frustrations, depression, wasted potential or even suicide. We must all learn to accept and embrace change for our own good and those around us. Change, when handled properly, can be a catalyst for discovering great opportunities for personal, community and national breakthroughs or growth. Embracing change is the only pathway to fulfilling personal, family, community and national potential.

In order for any individual, organisation or nation to move forward, change must occur. The operations and beliefs of yesterday are inadequate to the present challenges. We must embrace new ways of thinking and doing things. To continue operating, thinking and believing the same way is a recipe for repeated or perpetual failure and defeat. We must embrace, welcome and initiate social, economic and political change. We must adopt new ways of doing things. A paradigm shift is taking place in communication, culture, technology, networking and spirituality. Therefore, old styles of leadership or doing things will no longer be effective during these transitional waves that we are all experiencing. On a national scale, and personal level, we must all be prepared for different measures of change so that we maximize our seasons. Wise people ‘never lie down on the tracks of history to wait for the train of the future to run over them’.

Farlex’s Dictionary defines change as ‘an event that occurs when something passes from one state or phase to another.’ Change implies taking a different position, course, direction or to replace something with another. And since change is a principle of life, we must all learn to positively respond to it. Many of us are so secure in the familiar that we sabotage our own future and the future of others by resisting or reacting negatively to change. We are all creatures of habit, and therefore change can become so unsettling for most of us. Yet in order for one to grow stronger and be able to move forward in life, there must be a change of certain habits, routines, or traditions.

It is always important to prepare yourself for not only what you want to see happening, but also what could just happen. Sometimes one needs to be positioned right spiritually, mentally, emotionally or geographically in order for potential to be released. Right positioning does not necessarily mean being in a place of comfort, because sometimes right positioning may start with discomfort, but end in progress and greatness. Discomfort is the mother of transformation.  Potential is usually released during critical moments of one’s life. Nations and communities usually emerge stronger, greater, wiser and more creative after going through critical change and discomfort.

Change has the power to create a better future for a family, community or nation. Individuals, communities and nations have the potential for greatness but change is the power that draws it out. Change stirs up potential. Potential is that hidden untapped power or ability. Potential is power, force or capacity existing in possibility form and not in actuality. It is the inherent capacity for coming into being. A change in the conditions or environment around us will usually pressure the potential in us to be released.

You will never know the great things you can achieve until you find yourself in a place where you have to apply the law of change. When you are hit by unexpected events or situations, it can activate you to manifest something from within, that you and the people around never knew was in you. When we intentionally challenge ourselves to implement and embrace change in our lives for a better future, no matter the discomfort, it will manifest our true potential. We must, therefore, develop the ability to manage critical change as individuals and as a nation.

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