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After a couple of years of procrastinating, this year I finally decided to do it. Yes IT. I finally convinced myself  I was ready.
Ready to leave my comfort zone and climb to a fresh intellectual summit (peak), at a global summit.

As I made my way towards the registration point, I was met by beaming smiles from the neatly dressed volunteers. One of them said, “Great to see you Mr Gule, is it possible that you sign my T-shirt?” as he led me in. I took it in jest though but it was a great welcome.


Themed ‘Everyone has influence’, this was a gathering of some of Eswatini’s top leaders and influencers as well as tomorrow’s leaders. The atmosphere was pregnant with possibility, and indeed over the two days it delivered a bouncing baby of renewed optimism and practical solutions.

As I share my experience I will try not to disclose too much of the stage contents, lest it will be like watching a movie someone told you about if you are to still attend on November 14 and 15. Having been a TV producer in my previous life, rest assured you are in safe hands.  I must confess over the past few years I have fallen in love with the that whole ideology of purpose and leadership.

My bookshelf is loaded, not with romance novels but a litany of self-help books and inspirational publications. My phone has more podcasts and YouTube videos by Simon Sinek, TD Jakes and John Maxwell than Gqom music on a teenager’s phone.


Recently I finished reading Fight by Craig Groeschel, which is based on Samson’s life in a bid to help men become stronger in all areas of their lives.  So when I saw a social media post of the summit featuring all four of these speakers among others, I knew it was one not to be missed. Be that as it may, I registered a day before the event, but that’s not the story. The story is my experience.

At the summit I learnt that Eswatini is alive with possibility and it begins with me and in this case YOU. The tone of both days was all about solutions rather than excuses. There was not even one time any of the speakers blamed anyone or anything for their life, but they all emphasised on the power to be able to make a difference wherever you are, as well as impact others positively.


The eight hours spent daily in that room listening and watching some of the world’s biggest movers and shakers engraved in my soul that—it’s possible—I can too.
To see so many captains of industry, managers, employees, businesspeople, leaders from various organisations, all gathered with the aim of wanting to learn and improve made me believe that great days for Eswatini are not ahead—they are here.

A quote that touched me is a reminder that leadership is ‘you centred and not me centred’ by Groeschel. In the summit, Kevin Ward, the Leadership Partner said, “It is intended to be a catalyst for improving our ability to leverage positive transformation in our businesses, homes, communities and nation.”

Many people claim motivational talks are like taking sugar, you get a good high and few hours later crash. I’m still on a high even this Saturday, because I climbed a summit not a feel-good talk.

This is because the summit has a variety of tools and plans to follow for the next 365 days to ensure one grows to be a leader of influence and impact. It creates, develops and sustains leaders in all sectors.  The view is indeed better from a summit.

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