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Life is about positive and negative experiences. This is how all of us grow up and mature. We must survive negative experiences, get stable in character, succeed in life and ultimately become significant to our generation.

It is imperative for all of us to believe that we are here on this planet on a mission, and that the mission is possible. We must believe in our God-given potential; every human being is great in their own unique way. Embrace your uniqueness without fear.

Your background and past should be used as fuel and stepping stones into greatness. Your contribution to the progress of humanity in any sphere of life is valuable. We must never allow anyone to rob us of our significance to our families, communities and nation.

To live an effective and purposeful life, we must discover and unleash our potential. This usually starts at the point of discovering purpose and accurately articulating vision. Purpose and vision are inspirational in nature, and usually cause our minds and thoughts to transcend any form of limitation in life.

Understanding your purpose has a way of causing dormant gifts and talents to become alive, whereby awakening greatness inside. Successful people are simply those who have discovered the power of the potential that lies within them as a gift from God to impact humanity. There is more you can actually give to this world than you can imagine, by learning how to use your gifts, talents and the force of potential within you.

Be diligent in discovering your gifts, and forceful in giving them away to the world. The world could become a better place if we all spend more time unlocking our potential than criticising and fighting each other. A purpose driven person transcends a mere existence kind of lifestyle.

Purpose driven people have an understanding that true success is not necessarily seen in the clothes we wear nor in the kind of cars parked in our drive ways or even the houses we live in, but rather in how many lives we have changed and how many people we have helped to make it in life.

As a matter of fact discovering your purpose is the source of meaning and significance in life. If you do not know or understand why you were born or still living, your life will have no boundaries or priorities. Lack of purpose is the recipe for a chaotic lifestyle.

 We must also understand that the fact that we have discovered purpose, vision or our gifts and talents, does not necessarily exempt us from dealing with challenges and obstacles on the journey of life. Unleashing our potential demands that we embrace a positive attitude in life. A positive mindset is key, because our potential is being unveiled at different levels of our journey in life. Upholding a positive outlook on life will strengthen us to deal with various challenges that arise in our pursuit of purpose, vision and destiny.

In order to cultivate the culture of positivity, we must always allow our minds to gravitate more towards positive thoughts. Sometimes we fail to navigate around the challenges of life because we usually allow our way of thinking to stand in the way of solutions. We must eradicate any wrong or limiting beliefs, any self doubt or low self esteem, in order for us to unleash that dormant potential hidden under the rubbles of the experiences of life. When we experience failure on the journey of life, we must not give up. Failure should not be allowed to disempower you. It must never be allowed to undervalue your worth, under price your skills, undermine your gifts or talents, or even undermine your potential. Failure is just a detour on the high way of life, a coma and not a full stop in the sentence of your life. Failure is a juncture in life which gives us valuable lessons for wise future decisions.  
Unleashing potential requires courage. Courage is that quality of mind which enables one to face danger, challenges and difficulties with firmness or unfainting of heart. It’s being bold, firm and resolute. We must have courage to divorce habits, beliefs or friends that hold us back and embrace habits and friendships that help unlock our potential and greatness. We need to be around people who are truthful, honest and supportive.
In our journey of life, we may need to divorce people who are always negative, judgmental or are always talking about other people. They will poison our spirit and distort our perspective and ultimately stop our potential from becoming a reality. We have to surround ourselves with dreamers and supportive people. We must be committed to seeing our full potential realized. We only live once; therefore we cannot afford to abort purpose and destiny. As the nation is moving towards achieving vision 2022, our contribution at any level is needed. We need to maximize our gifts, talents and capabilities and impact humanity with our talents and gifts. Enrich our families, community and nation.

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