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Author Samuel Rutherford once quoted that; “After winter comes the summer. After night comes the dawn. And after every storm, there comes clear, open skies.” He could have not said it any better.

I was talking to someone this week about her feeling that things weren’t happening fast enough. That with all she was doing, intending, and putting out, there more should be happening, and faster.

My question to her was should things really be happening faster? Or are you exactly where you’re supposed to be? In all honesty, I have come to realise that we have a tendency to think we have it all figured out. When it should happen, how it should happen, who it should happen with and before it’s “too late.”

We are powerful creators but the truth is we’re not in this alone. There are other forces at play, and for the most part, to our benefit. Have you ever had something occur in your life that you had wished for years earlier, only to realise that now was the perfect timing? That in fact, you wouldn’t have been ready for it any earlier? That in retrospect, everything was leading up to the perfect moment of this unfolding?

In charge

The problem with most of us is that we want to feel in charge of our lives. It makes us feel safe knowing we have control. And to some extent, we have complete control in dictating our desires, in stating our ambitions, and in following our well laid plans.

But sometimes, life has a way of throwing us curve balls. There is a delay in an outcome we are hoping to produce or the timing doesn’t work out as planned. We’re not where we think we should be, financially, socially, professionally, creatively, or romantically.

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