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VISION is the vehicle that drives purpose to destiny; without vision life would be a series of cycles of frustration and despair. Vision makes disappointments and sufferings of life bearable; it inspires and gives us courage to soldier on. When vision is discovered, it must be fuelled by determination, focus and constant pursuit.

It is only when we are determined in pursuing vision that makes it a reality in our lifetime. We were not designed to be mediocre; with determination, focus and pursuit we can be the best we can. Life is about movement and change; it was designed to be a continual ascension and progression. Sometimes we think success in accomplishing our dreams is an unattainable mystery. In actual fact most of us are not really willing to make the sacrifices that are required to propel us into a successful life that makes a difference in society. We are not willing to pay the price of effective positive change.

Determination, focus and pursuit are significant ingredients that make vision a reality. Determination is the act of making up your mind about something; it’s a position or opinion reached after serious consideration. Determination is usually birthed when we come to the conclusion that the vision is worth living or dying for. Determination is that quality that gives us the tenacity and firmness to achieve something in spite of the apparent challenges. When we make up our minds about the importance of our dreams or vision and its impact as a whole, it will propel us to a focused lifestyle. Focus is defined as the concentration of attention or energy on something. Where there is vision, there also must be determination and focus. Any action taken in pursuit of vision must be focused for maximum progression and productivity. Focus helps align us to what is important. 

Usually unrealised dreams and visions are the result of broken focus. An inability to focus is one of the greatest enemies of change and success. Consistent focused movement towards our goal will always produce great results. We must therefore maintain our focus by all means. Our words and actions will always reveal the object of our focus. Sometimes focus will demand that you eliminate options. Actually an old adage says; “If you chase two rats, both will escape.” Focus demands that we learn to ignore certain things. When we first identify our dreams and goals in life, we usually pursue them with fervour, determination and diligence. But then we get distracted and begin to concentrate on other irrelevant things that are really foreign to our vision. We then go through each day and week feeling discouraged, disappointed and sort of out of control. This is usually because our focus has been broken by negative experiences or distorted by temporary success.

The problem with most of us is that we like focusing on what is going wrong and not appreciate what is going right. We will all sometimes experience setbacks, disappointments with others; and some of our plans won’t play out just as we planned. Obstacles and setbacks should not be allowed to break our focus from our vision and goals. We must view them as necessary stations to destiny that allow us to develop character and the spirit of excellence.  We must respect and appreciate the past and all its lessons, yet we must not allow the past to imprison us; our creativity, dreams, visions, or our ability to do things differently. To be controlled by the past is destructive and hinders progress. We will always fall in the maintenance trap if we allow our sense of the past to overpower our commitment to the future.  

Setbacks help us to stop, re-assess and re-focus our thinking. Henry Ford said; “A mistake may turn out to be the one thing necessary to a worthwhile achievement.” We must learn to perceive every challenge as a possibility for a better and new beginning. Vision and dreams must be pursued with persistent unbroken focus in order for them to become a reality. To pursue means to go after, or to follow with a view to overtake and capture. Dreams and visions must be pursued with passion in order to capture the realities thereof. We must not allow any form of fear to abort our dreams. Fear is a jailer that keeps our dreams in a place of limitation.

It is imperative that we learn how to identify and also eliminate any activities, habits and certain toxic relationships that hinder us from pursuing destiny assignments. Let us get rid of all negative thoughts of fear, defeat and failure from our minds and believe that with God’s grace we will be able to fulfil our life’s assignments and make society a better place for all. In spite of what happened in the past or our present situation, we must keep on dreaming for a better future in our homes, families, relationships, professions, society and nation.

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