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In order to escape from your comfort zone, you have to escape the mindset that led you there.’
What does that mean?

This statement urges us to consider our comfort zone and to consider making the effort necessary to escape from its warm embrace. We are where we are because of our mind- set, of what we think is possible and not possible. These assumptions, presumptions and presuppositions are the bars of our own prison. This prison is our comfort zone. Within it, there is little growth, and there is always the possibility of decay and stagnation. To break free, we have to remove the bars, which hold us back to escape that mind set.

Why is escape from our limiting mindset important?
 If we do not escape from our limiting mindset, we are stuck right where we are. Forever. Or at least until we do change our mindset. Until we do that, what we have now, we would continue to have. What we do now, we would continue to do. There would be no change. There would be no growth. Just stagnation and decay. Does that sound like a great way to live life? Our mindset, if unchanged would keep us right there. If the world changes, if our situation changes, if friends change, what becomes of the person who is still trapped in their old mindset? What if the person decides to change with their world, their situation or their friends?

They must first change their mindset and escape the part of it, which holds them back. By changing the limiting parts of our mindset, we could escape the prison our mindset makes. Yes, it could be comforting, keeping us safe from what might lurk outside. But eventually, we have to move on with our lives, and that means breaking out of our prison and moving out into the dangerous places. Don’t worry; you’ll build new bars as soon as you get comfortable again.
Where could I apply this in my life?

I don’t know about you, but that doesn’t sound like fun to me. No growth? No change? But life around us grows and changes all the time. If we don’t grow and change, we get left behind. The only way to keep up is to evaluate our mindset from time to time, and determine when to break it down and escape. Escape to where? To wherever you need to be to continue with your life, to keep up with change, to chase pleasure, or to remove and evade pain. We live in a world of change, and our mindset could become a trap or prison, if we are not careful. By examining it, we could keep what makes sense, and remove the rest. Our comfort zone is a nice place to go for some comfort after a busy or difficult day.

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