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“IN the pursuit of your life’s purpose, there will strategically occur a defining moment in the form of a refining crisis, setting you free from a confining limitation, thus empowering you to step into greatness,” (Mark Chironna).

That is a profound and pregnant statement. The journey of life is usually punctuated by different forms of crises; moral crisis, financial crisis, family crisis, professional crisis, relational crisis etc. These moments can either make or destroy us, depending on how we perceive and respond to them. Unfortunately most of us have an inaccurate perception of reality and this may be as a result of our upbringing or past experiences in life.

Actually crises are sometimes allowed by God in our lives to stir up some deep seated stuff in our lives that we never knew were there. This stuff could be either negative or positive. Until you shake a bowl of stew, you will not know that there are pieces of carrots at the bottom of the bowl. The stuff hiding at the bottom of our minds and hearts has the ability to move us forward or to completely abort our destiny. Challenges in life stir up the contents hidden in our hearts and minds so that we can deal with them.

There is a place within each one of us that none of us can see or understand unless God reveals it to us. That place is actually the place where our undiscovered potential and capability have been all along lying dormant, awaiting to be stirred up by what we usually call crises or problems of life. Sometimes we spend most of our time trying to be perfect or to look perfect in the eyes of others, and we miss out on what God is really trying to perfect in us for our assignment in life.

In the pursuit of our life’s purpose, we will experience a series of defining and refining moments at different times. A classic example is the story of David in the Bible. He experienced a life threatening situation with a bear and then with a lion.

These two incidences brought out David’s potential as a bear killer and a lion slayer. I believe that the killing of the bear and slaying of the lion were defining and refining moments for David, thus empowering him and setting him free to kill Goliath, and then step into greatness and significance.

In crises, that is where we discover our strengths and weaknesses, and who we really are in terms of our assignment on earth. Refining crises have a way of teaching us how to prioritise, to know what is important and what is not. When our boats are rocked by storms on the highway of life, and the waters of problems are sinking our boats, we will throw away all the unneeded and unnecessary baggage in order to keep the boat afloat. Some things we thought were valuable, all of a sudden become valueless in the light of refining moments of life.

Certain relationships that do not enhance our purpose become valueless. Certain things we enjoyed the most, become unenjoyable. Therefore don’t curse your crises; they may be a doorway into greatness and significance. In my dealings with people, I have discovered that most of us allow crises to overwhelm us because we either resort to blaming ourselves or blame other people for whatever we are going through. We then develop a victim mentality.

This is a sabotaging mind-set because it places all the blame outside the realm of our ability to change anything. We begin to think we don’t have any choice in the situation to make a difference. This kind of mind-set aborts purpose and destiny. Another problem I have noticed is the inability of many of us to rise above our own mistakes that led us into crises. We must realise that mistakes happen in life because none of us is perfect. All of us have blind spots which cause us to inaccurately perceive or define our current or past situations. We must be transparent with ourselves and humble enough to admit our mistakes. Mistakes in life are part of growth.

They are learning curves. We must learn to forgive ourselves and allow the healing process. We must not allow our failures and crises to derail or disqualify us for a better future. Overcoming crisis is actually that which qualifies us for new levels of greatness and significance. 

We must always know that any form of failure is not final. Great men and women who ever graced this planet had their own share of failures and mistakes, but they rose above them and pursued their God ordained purposes and destinies. Faith refuses to give up or retreat in the face of adversity, because in every crisis there is an opportunity for promotion.

Stay on course don’t give up, the sun will shine on you again. Keep hope alive, don’t give up on life, love, trust and respect for humanity because of negative experiences or crises of life; all things will finally work out for your good.

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