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I tried for a week to track down Justice ‘Moneymaker’ Dlamini.  Born in Mhlangeni, Bhunya the workaholic journo instructed me that if I want an interview with him, than I must follow him around on Thursday while he works. 

Off I went to meet him at the Mbabane Police Headquarters Conference room, where he was covering the Hho-hho chiefs meeting.
In between the speeches I  would steal a few minutes to talk to him.

Education background

I went to Lozitha High School in Bethany, Matsapha a few years ago. From there everything I learned about journalism I was taught by veteran Qhawe Mamba.


I do everything at Channel S, I am a news reporter, I edit the news, I am a  newsreader and I am a camera man. I am very passionate about my work. I have a great mentor in Qhawe and his wife Sibongile Mamba. They have taught me so much.

How long have you been in the media profession?
I started working at Channel S in 1998 and left in 2000. I came back in 2011.

Pressures of the

I wouldn’t say I feel any pressure. This is because at Channel S we work as a team always. The fact that I can also multitask and do all the types of work at the station relieves the pressure.

The pros of the job

I meet a lot of influential people on a daily basis. If you look at some of the people who have worked at Channel S before, they now have influential jobs. It’s all about how you work with people. If you respect people they will help you if you need help. People recognise me wherever I go it’s an advantage because you can never be stranded.

The cons

When we as journalists are restricted to do our job freely. Also when we get assaulted for trying to get a story. People forget that we are only reporting for the nation.

When do you have time for family with such a schedule?
I have off days, where I get to rest, and spend time with my family. I have two sons and two daughters. I have 11 brothers and three sisters I am the eldest. I only have a mum, my dad passed away.

Tell us about your hobbies
I love soccer, for obvious reasons I won’t mention the team I support in the kingdom. In South Africa I support Kaizer Chiefs and overseas  I love Manchester United.

What do you want people to know about you?
I am a fun guy. I love joking around. I am a very humble and respectful man.

What will you be doing five years from now?
I don’t know where life will take me. I definitely want to grow as a person and progress. I would love to own my own radio station one day. I want to thank Qhawe and Sibongile Mamba for being great disciplinarians. Through listening and their teachings I have grown over the years as a journalist.

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