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Styling your bedside table

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Your Bedside table is more than just the place where you put your cellphone while you sleep.

Your bedside table can be much, much more than that; in fact your bedside table is just one more place in your home where you can show off your creativity, your personal style and your preferred design style. It is a great place to display your favourite accessories like your favourite books and magazines, your snazzy alarm clock and your gorgeous lamp.

There are several essential elements that you will need for styling your bedside table: They include:-
*A bedside Table – Choose matching ones. I have a thing for symmetry but I have seen some bedrooms with ones that don’t but the room still looked good. Do what feels right to you!  I also love furniture with a vintage feel.
* A bedside table lamp for lighting, bright enough for reading.

*  Your favourite books or magazines.
*  A vase of flowers I prefer to use a short vase like the one shown in the picture as this type doesn’t topple over as much as a long vase with long stemmed flowers does. Trust me I’m talking from experience.
* A clock
*  A candle with your favourite scent- There is nothing as feel-good as walking into a bedroom that smells delicious.
* A bowl filled with sweets. I know it’s not healthy and I’m really not a sweets person myself but it just looks so good.
* Your favourite accessories- art, jewellery etc The number of accessories that you use on your bedside table will most probably be determined by whether you are a less or more type of person. I am a more as in the more items I have the better.

* A silver tray. I love using trays as they can pull a design look together.  But this is really an optional extra.
* Space- Do leave some space available to put a glass of water, your teacup, your cellphone, your watch etc.

Splurge and purchase pieces that set your bedside table apart from what other people are doing. Choose unique pieces, conversation pieces, totally one of a kind pieces. This could be a piece of art or an accessory –but don’t spend a ton of money on something that other people will have–save that for the pieces that will make your home look as interesting as you are.

The biggest key to styling is starting with one consistent colour palette.  I tend to layer more textures than colours–lots of colors and contrast in patterns make small spaces feel even smaller, but layering different tones of minimal colours make rooms feel bigger because they are so much less busy.
Remember that when bedside table styling or any other area of your home, it’s important to take your time. You want to ensure you find the right piece of furniture and incorporate items that fit your distinct style and practical needs. 

People ask me all the time how I learned to decorate. I have always been interested in the home and how things look and creating my dream space and that of my family and friends I have always had a compulsion to organise things and make sense of an arrangement or furniture. To find colours, material, textures and patterns that work together and that will make whatever house I’m in a home.

I think I am what you would call an obsessive observer I notice and appreciate things that most people probably don’t think about. My surroundings have always affected my mood, so styling my home makes me feel both happy and complete.

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