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Q style's celebrity questions 'Zaza'

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Style: Tell us about your earliest memory. Zaza: I remember when I was about five years old, I had a concert once inside the garage with my friends who were staying at a block of flats in Extension 6.

I used to sing the song ‘Killing Me Softly’ and ‘Weekend Special’  like an adult. My family were shocked because no one really took me seriously when I told them I was going to be a singer when I grew up.  All they knew was that I was the ‘life’ of most children’s parties and I always had a way to manipulate my teachers at Shosholoza Preschool into letting me take part in activities for the older pupils, like drummies, ummiso. I was that child nje, all over!

Style: What’s your biggest fear?
Zaza: Death in general, be it of a loved one or myself. I fear death. It brings me to the realisation that we have no control over it. We can plan for tomorrow but death can come at anytime robbing us of our dreams.

Style: What are you best at?
Zaza: Besides singing, I am best at cleaning. I used to be the best at doing house chores but I cannot say the same now. But I can safely say I am best at cleaning.

Style: What do you value the most in a partner?
Zaza: I value someone who understands me, loving, caring, someone who pays attention to detail. To me, it is the little things that mean the most. The smallest things count and respect, of course.

Style: Relaxation to you is….
 Zaza: Relaxation to me is getting away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Chilling and doing nothing with my phone switched off. The last time I went to Nisela and it was awesome. That is relaxation to me.

Style: What is the one thing you would change about yourself or your life right now?
Zaza: I am such an impatient person. I am currently working on changing that. I believe being patient would make me a better person. That is the only thing I want to change, otherwise the rest is all good for me.

Style: Tell us something that will shock us.
Zaza: I used to be involved in physical fights while growing up and was almost suspended from school at one instance.

Style: What is your biggest regret?
Zaza: I am not sure I have any. Every experience has been a learning curve. I learn from the mistakes I make I cannot really say I regret anything.

Style: Describe the last time you were really happy.
Zaza: I have had so many happy moments but the happiest would have to be when I paid off my car. The minute I was handed my blue book, I was ecstatic! I do not like debt, so knowing I had paid off this debt made me really happy.

Style: Worst memory
Zaza: Lying in an operation room, which is really cold with doctors and nurses surrounding you, assuring you. You do not know whether you will live or die but all the nurses and doctors tell you is to relax. Just how do you relax knowing you might not make it through the operation?

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