Home | Entertainment | Rihaga in talks with top SA record company

Rihaga in talks with top SA record company

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MBABANE – Upcoming local guitarist Khanyisile Ngomane famously known as Rihaga might soon land herself a recording deal with one of the leading South African record companies

The artist, who sings gospel, has already sent a demo cd to a record company known as Bonsai Entertainment.  This is the  same company that has previously worked with other South African well-known artist who include SAMA award winner  Kelly Khumalo.

Facilitating the deal is Hlobisile Ndlovu, Minister of Sports Culture and Youth Affairs.  Information gathered is that Ndlovu and the artist met on New Year’s Eve during the 2013 Cross Over Gospel Music Festival that was organised by Mduduzi Simelane of Emagawugawu.

Rihaga was not performing on this day.  After seeing Ndlovu who also attended the event, she took the opportunity of introducing herself.
The artists explained to Ndlovu that she had a wish of recording a professional album as she believed that she had the potential of being one of the best artists in the country.  After the discussions, Ndlovu took it upon herself to find a way of helping the artists whom she believes has the potential of doing great things.

Currently, the demo is still being assessed by the company with the hope of giving her a recording deal.
Rihaga who was among the artists who performed at the Divine Healing Ministries during Zaga Dlamini’s launch, confirmed that the former minister was helping her to get a contract with one of the South African record companies.

“She has been of great help to me as she has been involved in negotiations with a number of record companies in South Africa. I am currently waiting for feedback but I am positive that I will definitely get a contract in South Africa,” she said.
Rihaga said, Ndlovu was the one who knows better especially on the companies that have been approached.

Ndlovu also confirmed, saying she had already sent the artist’s demo to a record company known as Bonsai Entertainment.
“We have done a demo with the artist which has since been taken to South Africa for assessment. Some of the companies I have approached seem to be interested on the project,” she said.

Ndlovu said at the moment there was nothing that has been formalised saying she was still waiting for  feedback from the record companies especially from Bonsai Music.  “I am hoping that the record company will give her a good contract as you can see that she has the potential of making it big in the music industry.  I will try to see to it that she gets a good contract,” Ndlovu said.

By yesterday, Ndlovu had promised to contact some of the companies she had approached with means of getting feedback if the artist would be considered or not.


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