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Vusumuzi: Christ is my primary teacher

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image Vusumuzi showing off his award.

Style:  Could you describe your work in five words?
Vusumuzi: “Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow! Wow!

Style: Besides being a poet, producer, slam judge, host, you’re also a comedian. Do you base your jokes on Christianity/the Bible or are they (jokes) general? How different are your jokes from the other comedians in the industry?

Vusumuzi: People are miserable out there, Christians and non-Christians alike, mostly because in their aging they lost themselves and forgot who they are. In all I do, I seek to wipe their dusty mirrors clean and direct them to their purpose in life because remembering who they are will definitely make them happy. I have seen Christian and non-Christian women with completely shaved eyebrows, so it’s clear that they all need a mirror!

The Bible is my manual to life, that’s the main source of my thinking and Christ is my primary teacher, however, my work is for all those with ears to hear, dirty or clean…ears are still ears.

Style: What inspires your work? The poems or jokes?
Vusumuzi: Experience.

Style: What inspired this Double Bill Tour you’re currently in and why was Swaziland one of your main stops for a performance?
Vusumuzi: “Swaziland is awesome, I have been accepted as a son with the pleasure of being raised by a proud Swazi son, Themba Manana, I absolutely love it there.”

Style: How do you find the gospel industry? Do you think it receives less attention compared to the other circular industries and why?
Vusumuzi: The gospel industry

has recognised its niche and is taking significant strides in exploring it which is beautiful.  From my point of view, it is receiving less attention from the grand scale and understably so. To be precise, South Africa is a democratic country where individuals can choose to follow any of the multiple religions in our rainbow nation, it would, therefore, not make any business sense for any mass media to focus on material suitable for one specific religion and it is always about the bottom-line at the end of the day. We also need to realise that whether deemed good or not, religion still forms the cord spine that keeps numerous households standing. Circular music is arguably neutral.

Style:  Some people have mentioned that your performances have literally changed their lives, what’s your take on that?
Vusumuzi: This reminds me that I am most certainly aligned with my purpose and I am living it. Each time I feel depressed or despondent, I go back to the reviews of my work which keep me going and remind me why I am doing this.

Style: What prompted you into taking this route in life as I understand you have a qualification in Law from Wits?
Vusumuzi:  I actually did not complete my LLB but did three years of it then decided not to go back for my Honors due to various reasons. Primarily, I took this route because I was good at it and it made me happy. Secondly, the impact my work had on a lot of people was tremendous so I would like to continue in that line.

Style: Describe your upcoming performance in Swaziland in one word!
Vusumuzi: Awesome!


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