Home | Entertainment | S’LWANE’S MOVIE GARNERS OVER 890 HITS


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MBABANE – The much-anticipated scary movie titled ‘The Forest’, is finally out.

The movie was produced, wrote and co-directed by renowned Merchants of Bottomless Laughter comedian S’lwane and it was shot in the outskirts of Pigg’s Peak at Bulembu in an abandoned building. It was released on June 12, 2021 and so far it had reached 893 views as of yesterday when this report was being compiled. The movie is about a group of individuals who go to a forest as couples for a walk, but later come across a series of zombies that continuously try to attack them.

S’lwane also worked alongside co-director, Scuveve (Sonnyboy Mavuso). He is a talented young man who is an artist, story writer, actor and an MC. He is currently 31 years old and asserted he began his dream of venturing into drama stage performances in 2014 at Bulembu in the northeastern part of the Hhohho Region. Narrating how he ventured into the film industry, he mentioned that he was approached by a group of young creatives who wanted to work with him and he obliged as he had a knack and love for the film industry.


“After they approached me, I then began to write the scripts for the movie, produced and we then co-directed it while shooting in a location at Bulembu,” he said. He further added by stating that it was not the first time he worked with the crew as he mentioned that they worked on a movie titled, ‘Wrong Target’ before. Moreover, Scuveve further mentioned that the aim was to change the acting industry locally to a certain extent, where actors were could be paid and start to earn a living from their craft. “This is a small industry that we are working on and so I feel like with this movie, we are aiming at making the local film and TV industry more recognisable so that it can be elevated much like our neighbouring South Africa,” said Scuveve. This is not the first scary movie to come out but it is safe to say it is the first scary movie to be released in 2021. This is because Eswatini TV once premiered a movie called ‘Sivumelwano Sengati’. The movie was centered on a woman who sold out her soul in exchange for money.

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