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MBABANE - Expressing yourself through music.

 Upcoming artist have used their talent to share their thoughts on the current COVID-19 pandemic and their stories.

 Prudence Lemonade has signed under Climax Studios Eswatini and will be dropping a single titled ‘Happiness.’

 She confirmed this during an interview with the Entertainments Desk yesterday.

 She said the song was inspired by life challenges and the ongoing pandemic. 

“This is as a basic summary of what I faced as a young person. I hope people will be able to relate to it and actually learn a few life lessons,” she said.

 She went on to add that the pandemic affected them as they had plans of marketing and interacting with different people.

“This is new to everyone. As an upcoming vocalist, I had so many plans as I wanted to introduce myself to the industry. This pandemic has prohibited us to interact and actually experience live performances,” she said.

Lemonade assured music lover the best of afro pop music that will sooth their souls.

 “I am bringing, hope and empowerment. Music lovers can only expect the best from me and I cannot wait for people to get to know me and understand my craft,” she added.

Meanwhile, Lwenkosi from Climax Studios Eswatini also attested that people will enjoy her single as they were determined to unearth talent.

 “Our main mandate is to help elevate young people. Music lovers will get the best of afro pop music. The ongoing pandemic has also forced us to think outside the box and we shall be sharing more innovative ways to market our artist,” he said.

 More information about the single will soon be shared on this publication.

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