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Mbongiseni Msibi, a 27-year-old goal- driven young man from Ndzingeni in the Hhohho Region,  was driven by his past experiences and the environment he grew up in.
 Those experiences made him the man he is now.
He is not only passionate about the local industry but he is ready to heal.
One of his main goals is to have his own private clinic.

What inspired you to study medicine?
It is that I grew up in an area where there were a lot of sick people who were suffering from HIV/AIDS. I wanted to make a difference in my community. I’ve also seen my grandmother die from TB, so I wanted to help old people suffering from TB. My past experiences pushed me to honour my late grandmother by helping old people.

What challenges did you face while studying?
That’s a tricky one, firstly I would be home sick since I was away from home for almost the whole year. Studying in a very cold country was also a challenge since one had to wake up in the morning while it was snowing and go to school. The way of life was different from here and also meeting people of different nationalities while you used to growing up with your fellow emaSwati.

What do you want to achieve in your journey as a doctor?
I want to own my own private clinic one day if God permits.

With the current COVID-19 pandemic, what is your take on the situation?
If we work together as a nation by following all the rules set by the Ministry of Health, we will concur COVID-19. We should follow the regulations set by our leaders by staying home, washing our hands and using masks all the time.

What other ambitions do you have?
I believe I am also an artistic person. My other ambition is acting and modelling. It might shock some people but I believe I also have a chance on acting and modelling.

Where do you see yourself in the next 10 years?
I see myself running my own successful private clinic in the country. With the acting and modelling, only time will tell.

What advice can you share with a young person who wants to pursue the same career you are in?
I would say put God first, work hard, stay focused, I repeat stay focused.    Life is all about opportunities, one needs to master how to cease them.

You are also in the entertainment circle; what can you share with artists as the current COVID-19 has caused events to be suspended?
The current situation is new to everyone; they should hang in there as some make a living through entertaining people. If one door closes they can open another one, create new ways of making ends meet.

What can you change in the local entertainment industry and why?
I wish for unity. There should be unity among people in the entertainment industry. We all need each other. Healthy competition is okay, but they need each other to elevate the local industry.

If you had super powers, what would they be and why?
He-aling powers, LOL. I would stop the spread of  COVID-19 and heal people, so we can all go back to our normal lives and be happy again.

Name five things most people do not known about you?
l     I am a born again Christian.
l     I am shy.
l     I love my family.
l     I love helping people who are in need.
l     I am a friendly person.

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