Home | Entertainment | LADY CREAM-A WHOLE 3-IN-1!


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Women have been known to be the best multitaskers and Eswatini renowned lady DJ Lady Cream is no different.
She is actually one of the veteran lady DJs in the country and has been at it for the longest time now.

Not only is she a DJ but she has been keeping up with her office career and motherhood pretty well. A perfect example of woman power!
Many may wonder how she does it and many are in her shoes and wish to get tips on how not to burnout or end up neglecting some parts of their lives.
She has kept up with her looks and fashion sense as well.
STYLE has an amazing and had educational one-on-one with the beautiful lady DJ.

Who is Lady Cream?
DJ Lady Cream, real name Nontobeko Dlamini. I grew up in Elangeni I completed my high school at St Michaels then studied Business Management at Mlumati in the Mpumalanga Province , then Financial Accounting  in Witbank FET and also did a Finance and Accounting course at Birch Cooper Institute .

So far, how has the journey been and what has been the highlight of you DJ-ing career?
It has been quite a great journey although it has its own challenges – sometimes, I could go as many as three nights without any sleep.
It’s been quite hectic as I hate flights but in this industry you have no choice as I don’t travel by road if it’s a distance that is more than four houurs.  My highlight so far was performing at the UK and at the BISHFIRE Festival as that is my place and I love the people there. It is a different crowd altogether. 
Right now, I frequent Mozambique. I have recently toured in Maputo, Matola, Chokwe, Tete, Nacala, Nampula and I was in  Chimoio  on Friday and I will be in Pemba In November.
I don’t play in Eswatini much anymore but only during big shows. I performed at the Swazi Rally and the Mega Sound Picnic.

How do you balance motherhood and your career?
My daughter and my family are my life. I always make time for my daughter no matter how busy my life is.
 The little time I get I spend it with her and I take her out. However, it is not easy to work from home as my daughter wants to be next to me most of the time. I had to buy a small laptop for her so when I work she is also busy on hers. However, she now wants a real laptop as she wants to watch cartoons there.
 Children can be a ‘headache’ like mine but that is just motherhood. Motherhood is not for the fainthearted as it is a job itself. My girls out there make sure you get pregnant when you are married as you really need assistance. It is not easy.

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