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MBABANE – A weekend full of laughter.  This phrase alludes to the best of South African comedians who will be giving it their all at Happy Valley Hotel at a show dubbed ‘Spring Comedy Night’ on August 30, 2019.

 The show will be jam-packed with the likes of Ngcozi Yebo, who is known for his rib cracking jokes. It will also see the spectacular performance of Church boy, famously known for his trending videos and Matewu, who is also known for his humour.

 This was confirmed by a local renowned comedian, who is also under the organising committee, Mfundo ‘Ndosh’ Simelane, in an interview with the Entertainment desk yesterday.

 “All these talented comedians have confirmed their performances and we can only assure comedy lovers a night full of laughter and giggles,” he said.
  Simelane also added that they would have a surprise act to be unveiled during the main day.

 “I will be performing also, but we will be having a surprise act who will keep comedy lovers on the edge of their seats,” he added.
 Church boy also assured comedy lovers a night to remember as he will be sharing nothing but the best.

“Kufuna kuthi mangingena ngizwe bazalwane bathi ‘usekhona, usekhona’, masihlangane Bazalwane,” he said. This means the man of God has arrived.
 Matewu also urged the public to come in numbers.

 “Get your tickets early as we will be dishing out only the best,” he said.
 Tickets are available at E150 at the Happy Valley Hotel and at the door they will be sold at E200.

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