Home | Entertainment | 80 SCRIPT SEIZES MOMENT


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MBABANE – You never saw it coming. This, after the drastic notice of the renowned rapper 80 Script, real name Zolile Motsa, who has parted ways with his Manager Mrs Smith, an artist management entity founded by Nqobile Simelane.

The ‘Yaya’ hit maker made it to Shizniz Live, a programme in South Africa aired on e TV.
The talented word master’s craft has also made it to 5 FM, Tshwane FM and 11 community radio stations in South Africa, representing the kingdom and hip hop singers.


The artist noted that his partner plus friend, Simtronic DJ, were invited to the show and they decided to perform the song they did together, which was how he got to appear and perform the well-known song called ‘Yaya’.

“He was invited on his own capacity as Simtronic DJ and he suggested we perform the song we did a collaboration on ‘Yaya’, so I went there for that; to perform the song during his interview as a DJ,” he said.

He also said it was not his first time performing live on TV, but the whole performance was exciting.

“The performance was fun. It was short. About two minutes long. But that's because it is a live show and everything is done on the spot live. One has to be sharp and alert. I enjoyed the experience, even though this wasn't my first time on the show. But it was my first time performing on live TV,” he said.

The ‘Yaya’ hit maker added that these opportunities, help his brand gain more mileage and open room for growth.
“The show is the biggest hip hop show and has a viewership of millions of people.
‘‘So at one go, there a millions of people that hear about me and get to hear my music.
‘‘This helps as you grow because more and more people start to identify with you as a familiar face and that's how you grow a following,” he added.

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