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MBABANE – South African soapies are embracing Eswatini representation!  Following in the foot-steps of Eswatini-born actor and model Amanda du Pont who acts on SABC 1’s Skeem Saam, Hlatikhulu-born actress Ntombifuthi Simelane has joined the Isibaya cast and she will be gracing South African screens.

Isibaya is one of South Africa’s popular soapies that is set on the backdrop of the taxi industry, with two young lovers who are torn apart by a century-old feud between two powerful families. Isibaya is now in its sixth season.


Simelane will be first seen on Isibaya on December 12 and her stay in the soapie extends to the end of March and she will be acting as a social worker. This is not her first acting role in a popular soapie as she has also acted as a warder in Housekeepers, which is also a South African soapie.

Simelane said she had always loved ac ting but never had the opportunity to get formal training and she thanked South African producers for believing in her. “I started acting as a background actor in 2015 and in 2016 she was featured on ‘Harvest’ as a farm worker. In 2017, I was featured on ‘Umhlanga’ and in 2018, I was featured on ‘Housekeepers’ as a prison official until November.

“I got the role through my hard work and being humble and respecting the directors whenever I was  onset,” she said.   Isibaya Editor Nqobizwe Ndlangamandla confirmed that Simelane had joined the cast. “We are happy to have her with us and we hope that she will represent Eswatini well through speaking eloquent siSwati, which we just need,” said Ndlangamandla.


He also stated that her stay with Isibaya will extend until March next year.Eswatini National Council of Arts and Culture CEO Stanley Dlamini said they were excited that emaSwati were no longer taken as amateurs in the arts.“We are willing to assist Simelane in any way that we can,” said Dlamini.He also said this was proof that the arts improve a country’s Growth Domestic Product.
“A successful country has improves arts,” he said.

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