Home | Entertainment | ‘I’M PROUD OF WHO I AM, AND WHAT I DO’


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Life is not for the faint hea-rted! This is a very popular saying that the strong and those who have endured a lot in this journey called lif, love and live by, so that they persevere!

That being said, Sebenzile Msibi, popularly known as Sebe, is confident and brave enough to admit that she is an ‘exotic’ dancer at one of the popular entertainment lounges in Matsapha.
The beauty got the gig through her dancing moves.

“One night I had gone out with my friends and like most ladies, I danced on the pole and the management liked my moves and suggested that I theme Thursdays and dance. No one forced me to it, I like what I do,” she said.
Sebe has become one of the entertainment crew at the hot spots but she is adamant that that aspect of her does not make a stripper or lap dancer.

“People have misconceived what I do. I am not a stripper, that is totally illegal and against my ethics. I simply dance, any other girls dance but I have made a job of it. I do not take my clothes off or anything of that sort. I am proud of what I do and who I am, and I will not let people define me. I will define myself,” said the beauty strongly and with confidence.
“I do not do bachelor parties and I do not strip. I have turned down many invites because of the misconception that I have been getting” she said.

She also warned the youth of the dangers of social media as she has been ripped apart by social media for her current career.
“In this life, it is vital that people are careful with how they use social media, especially the youth who now live by it. Social media can make and it can break you,” she warned.

Also, she sternly warned ladies against trying so hard to stick to societal norm.
“Most ladies like thinking about society in everything that they do, yet the truth is, one can never truly please the whole society; one can never pleased everyone. People talk and they will always do just that. Ladies should do what benefits them and consider only those who truly care about them.

“Also, single mothers, like me, should continue doing their best and take care of their children all the time,” she said.
She is also one of those people that believe that in life, a person has to be strong and do what works for them.
“I have been judged may times but I have taught myself not to let what people think of me define me. I will define myself,” says the beauty from Fairview North in Manzini.

Sebe has been bashed by the members of the public, through social media, for proudly showing off her beautiful body. Also, the model from Pulse Models has been ridiculed for being an ‘extreme’ dancer at one of the popular hot spots in Matsapha.
In person, Sebe oozes positive energy. Life has disappointed her many times but she has determination in making it and being successful. Strutting in at Happy Valley Hotel during an exclusive interview with Gcwala, the single mother to a 4-year-old boy also showed that she is humble yet strong.

She has beautiful curves which she confidently walks in, her skin is taintless and she possesses natural beauty.
Sebe got into the limelight after joining Pulse Models last year.
“I was always passionate about modelling but did not have the opportunity to do it. My close friend who is also a model, Nicole Shabangu ushered me into modelling and she has been so inspiring to me. So far, I have walked the SADC Fashion Week ramp, been to photo shoots for brands, I have done fundraisers and I have also hoisted the Swazi Bank Cup,” says the beauty on her projects that she has done in her modelling career.

She highlighted, though, that the industry is being taken for granted in the country.
“It is not very safe to only rely on modelling as a form of income in the country. Yes, a model may get good gigs but it all depends on the money that is paid by the entity that as hired the model and/or the agency. Some agencies to manipulate models, it is a tough industry,” she says.

For these reasons, the beauty so an opportunity in dancing at this hot spot so she makes extra income.

How to keep beautiful according to Sebe:
l She confesses that she was blessed with good genes thus the beautiful body but she believes that drinking ample water always keeps the body in check.
l Drink water with apple cider vinegar before sleep as it detoxes the body.
l Try to keep away from the sun.
l For the face, use natural extracts to keep the skin breathing. Use face scrub, toner and moisturise.
l Also, steaming and going to the spa once a while soothes the skin and body.
l For the festive season, a lady never goes wrong with a maxi dress or just jeans and a T-shirt.

Quick facts about Sebe:
l     She is left handed.
l     She is an introvert, especially week days.
l     She is single.

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