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It might seem glamorous being a beauty pageant winner. But once that sash goes on, it’s a title and a job. There are responsibilities involved and charity events to attend that often conflict with focusing on your own career path.

Gcwala caught up with Miss Swaziland Second Princess Baby Mthimkhulu who has shared her experiences of being one of the most beautiful girls in the kingdom and also having young people look up to her.

As we begin our interview, Baby says that there is one word that comes to her head when she looks at her day-to-day obligations and responsibilities of holding the Miss Swaziland Second Princess title. But Baby says she is lucky to have a steadfast support system and have no problem having her friends and family.

Baby was never raised by her parents and for that reason she thinks the reason why she is the strong woman she is today is because of that circumstance.


She lost her mother when she was in Form II and for her growing up without her mother to mentor her was the hardest because she had to make her own decisions with no one to guide her.
Not only is Miss Swaziland second princess beautiful, but she has a heart of gold which she showed to Mbhadzamane Primary School at Kashewula in the Lubombo Region this past weekend.

Baby Mthimkhulu, who was crowned together with Miss Swaziland Linda Hutchison and Miss Swaziland First Princess Zethu Manana, took her time to have a long drive down to the Lubombo Region to give out 77 pairs of school shoes to the less privileged scholars of Mbhadzamane Primary School.

This is an initiative that the beauty queen has started and has helped a lot of children and she hopes to continue with it until half of Swaziland’s less privileged scholars are helped.

“These are the people that are going to change the world; these are the very same people that will bring solutions to the problems that the world is facing now. They are the future so they need to be looked after. After seeing how much these children appreciated the school shoes, considering the rain and the distances that they have to walk to school, I couldn’t sleep a wink thinking how I can help out.


“When I visited the school it was a rainy week and some of the children walked kilometres in water and mud to attend classes, they sit in classrooms with cement floors for hours. It breaks my heart to know what they go through on a daily basis. I am proud that some of those children are not feeling the cold. They have shoes on their feet and I hope teachers will see great improvement in their class marks.
“I had to mature early, make my own decisions, but so far I’m really proud of the young lady I have become.

‘‘Despite my loss I’m still blessed with my supportive father, who always makes sure that all my needs and some of my wants are provided, and I will forever be eternally grateful to my grandmother and aunts from Siteki, who are the biggest part of me.
“Being a beauty with a purpose is not just a statement, it takes dedication, love, commitment, time and patience. From the moment I entered Miss Swaziland I already had a project in mind and right after the crowning I started working on them.

‘‘I tried asking for sponsorships from retailers but unfortunately none were willing to sponsor, meaning I had to ask from individuals to donate which made it challenging but worth it.”

Baby says that true happiness for her is seeing the next individual smile because of the efforts that she has put towards making that possible.
“Seeing those happy smiles and that heartfelt ‘thank you’ made me emotional and want to continue with this campaign. Since some of the children didn’t get shoes, due to size, I am collecting again for winter.

‘‘I have found that keeping a clear perspective about what’s important and knowing that I get to participate in making a difference in the lives of people actually keeps me going.  

‘‘I feel honoured to be chosen to handle this task. Some days it feels like work, but most days I know how lucky I am. I feel gratitude from every aspect of my life. ‘This is what I do and it’s something I pursue with genuine dedication and earnest passion. Second hand and brand new school shoes are welcome.”

Since we may all know that there may be challenges for one who holds such a title in the kingdom, Baby said the relationship she has with the other girls (Miss Swaziland and Miss Swaziland first Princess) is that of sisterhood and the experience has been great.

“It’s been great. I can’t really complain, more especially because I’ve always dreamt of being a beauty ambassador... I’m just embracing and learning from everything that comes with being a public figure but then people expect a lot from us!’’
‘‘Like this other day some girls were actually shocked that I still use public transport like they literally told me to get a cab to drive me around or get myself a boyfriend with a car. They expect us to live a fancy life... I truly refuse to lose my dignity while trying to fit in. I will embrace my life as it is!”
Baby has just completed her Diploma in Psychology and is planning on pursuing a degree in the same field.

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