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At 51 years old she looks decades younger and her bubbly lover of life personality is something that draws my interest to this woman. 
I am more than excited to engage in a conversation with her because I am more that curious to find out how she does it, maintain looking this hot, I mean.

Inalda Jorge-Antonio is a columnist, Motivational Speaker, Transcriber and Translator. I recall how I was a bit nervous on approaching her about the interview, but eventually I gained some kind of strength then I finally did. 


“Look, I believe that for one to stay healthy they have to eat right, sleep right and treat others right. I ensure I get a minimum of eight hours sleep a night. I also cook everything from scratch and avoid purchasing readymade meals.”
Ok now as I listen to her speak, I am already feeling guilty because anyone who knows me would attest to the fact that I would even die for my food, whether homemade or take away I am down, as long as it is food.


I let her continue telling me about her healthy life journey, because look, this woman here is all sorts of amazing, the first thing she said to me was ‘honey, at the end of this interview your life should have changed,’ and already I am bloozing, thinking about a 51-year-old me, and my conclusion is, I have to look as good as her!

“I am blessed because I am so mixed.  I never get bored with food in that daily I ensure I utilise as many vegetables and spices as possible.  Cake is a luxury I have once in fourteen days. 


‘‘I never deprive myself of any food.  It is rare that I have chocolates or sweets.  I believe when one craves sugar they are tired and the body is screaming for rest. 
‘‘I drink a minimum of three litres of water daily.  I only have one cup of coffee a day since caffeine, like sugar makes me high.  I only allow myself one cup of tea daily and both are taken without sugar,


‘‘I do not ever have more than three teaspoons of sugar daily and this may be in a home-made salad dressing or sweet and sour food– this is the reason I prefer to cook and prepare my own meals because numerous foods have hidden sugars. 
‘‘I jog approximately four kilometres daily from Monday to Friday, if I am not cutting my own grass which I do, or sweeping my yard which takes around four hours to sweep in totality.

‘‘To look this good, I also avoid asking others to do things for me.  I also do my own garden, paint the houses or tile areas in the yard. 
‘‘I look after my dogs myself as they are my dogs.  I dislike it when I observe other elderly people instructing children to do certain chores.  I do all the chores myself.  I believe one has to keep moving. 
‘‘I do not watch any ‘drama’ or soapies and have removed all drama from my life.  I avoid dramatic people like the plague.  I have to feel at peace with myself at all times. I am constantly learning and evolving. 


‘‘I only watch programmes from which I can learn something.  I take full responsibility for everything that goes into my body.  I suffered a heart attack about two years ago but that was due to high cholesterol. 
‘‘I treated that with ginger, cinnamon and turmeric. Those who follow my articles will recall an article entitled ‘Lessons’, wherein I learnt that it is important to check your cholesterol. 
‘‘By jogging and being constantly active, I am ensuring that I do not get Alzheimer’s or diabetes as there is scientific proof that remaining active keeps those diseases out of one’s life.  I believe medication only camouflages diseases, in other words they take away the symptoms but they do not heal one, and otherwise the pharmaceutical companies would be out of business. 
‘‘I have never really been a drinker of alcohol and although I adore cooking with same, I never partake. 


‘‘When I realised I did not ‘have to fit in’ and I was good enough, I stopped even indulging in a cider which I took once yearly! LOL.
‘‘Although it is good to be ‘content’ about one’s achievements, I believe one should always be creative and be involved. 
‘‘Once I stopped comparing myself to others and embraced my own uniqueness, I became comfortable in my own skin.  I do not believe we should have to dim our own light for others to feel better!

‘‘We must shine bright like a diamond at all times, always having the highest feeling we have ever had about who we are.  I believe I have to look good for me, naked or clothed.  I have no qualms about wearing the skimpiest bikini I have while swimming in my pool. 


‘‘If others feel uncomfortable, then it is time they did something about their body.
‘‘I am blessed in that my running has ensured that my muscles despite my age (the attached pictures were taken to celebrate my 60th birthday and they were taken on the day) remain toned. 

‘‘I do yoga at home.  I work this body as hard as I can to ensure I do not get any cellulite and I have to remain as flexible as possible. 
‘‘For me cellulite and flabby arms really put me off! I believe bodies are breaking down from lack of use, not from over-use.  I admire other women who have great bodies. 

‘‘My perception of a ‘beautiful woman’ is Tina Turner! I must look if not that good, better at 75! As I get bored easily I do numerous things.  Besides cleaning, weeding, minding the dogs, painting, cutting grass etc. I ensure I live the moment while I transcribe the court cases for the High Court to whom I am contracted to. 

‘‘I also work as a simultaneous translator and that ensures that I know exactly what is going on with regard to albinism, people displaced by war, human trafficking, etc. 


‘‘I believe it is important not only to speak about making a difference, but to be seen to be making a difference in the lives of others and thus the reason I write motivational articles, give motivational talks and get involved in any activities my municipality has. 
‘‘Everybody has the right to an exciting life filled with lots of action.

‘‘One cannot expect to feel vibrant and enthusiastic about life if one will remain glued to a chair on their butt all day long!
‘‘We have to remove judgement and expectation, for those are traits that take us down a depressing road. 

‘‘Respect for others at all times is imperative.  I do meditation daily, for that grounds me.  I love hugging and ensure I get at least ten hugs a day.
‘‘That reminds me always that we are all one.  I acknowledge constantly that I am only in control of myself. 

‘‘I take responsibility for every situation I find myself in.  I own that and daily take stock of occurrences and progress in my life. 
‘‘If something did not turn out as I expected, I adjust the formula. I believe everything starts in the mind.’’


I am sold, I walk away with the hope that if I start gym by tomorrow and ditch all these chicken wings that I eat, I will definitely look like Inalda when I am 51.

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