Home | Entertainment | WISHING YOU A HAPPY 2017!


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I must say that this year has gone by too fast. But we shall always stay grateful by the way it has turned out to be, even if it wasn’t really a good year as we have lost a lot of loved ones.

However, they say that everything happens for a reason and with that said I know that the Lord God Almighty has got a lot of good things to unpack for each and everyone of us in 2017.
What do you hope for in 2017?

Peace, prosperity, a house you can afford with enough bedrooms so kids don’t have to sleep in the kitchen?
What we hope for in the new year, of course, all depends on our wishes and dreams for the future. Gcwala has compiled a list of the things that we hope would happen in the upcoming year. Yes, they’re probably influenced by some of our wishes that fell woefully short in 2016, but you can’t give up hope, particularly in today’s world.

what We hope for in 2017:

1.     That we will see not just plans for the new high school, but also shovels in the ground – and no bones sticking out.
2.     To live long enough to see The King’s Vision, Vision 2022. 
3.     To see Swaziland finally have a mineral to sell to other countries. Docks dump their coal facility plan because, honestly, by the time they do build it, that coal will be diamonds.
4.     Someone will have figured out how to keep icebergs and oil from dropping on cars from the supports on the Malagwane road. We think the government is just stalling until climate change kicks in.
5.     For Illa Penboy to finally fill up Mavuso, actually to see artists in the music industry supporting each other.
6.     The city revisits (or just visits for that matter) our dream of seeing the Hotel being built next to Nando’s Mbabane, to host international celebrities.
7.      To have the lottery back, we cannot be this broke guys!
8.     More street lights on our streets, they must also be  on wheels so we can be rotated around the city so other neighbourhoods can also wake up to the cheerful sounds of folks arguing over beer bottles at 5am.

9.     That people who spend their precious life trolling other people on Facebook discover the universe is just one big computer, and the big IT guy in the sky is keeping track of all those nasty, petty and mean comments. And, finally;
10. We hope real news continues to have real value in our very real city because, if it doesn’t, we’re just going to have to start making a whole lot of stuff up – and Martian cat videos will be our top priority.

We’ve learned a lot this past year. We have experienced corporate, public grief, following the accidents that have claimed lives on these public roads. And we have experienced personal grief. We know we are not the only ones who grieve, though sometimes we have felt all alone. And still we survive, even though at times we questioned if the struggle was worth it. We have tasted the bitterness of loss but have not allowed it to destroy us. And together we will rise out of the ashes of grief and say YES to life. None of us can do it alone. We need each other to lean on and celebrate our newness.

Our hope for those in the throes of fresh grief is that someday your days will again bring you more joy… more music...more laughter…more gratitude…more friends…more surprises…more memories.
As we sign off, here is a quote from Mama Oprah that would help you live your best life this coming 2017.
“Step Away from the Mean Girls… and say bye-bye to feeling bad about your looks. Are you ready to stop colluding with a culture that makes so many of us feel physically inadequate? Say goodbye to your inner critic, and take this pledge to be kinder to yourself and others.

This is a call to arms. A call to be gentle, to be forgiving, to be generous with yourself.
The next time you look into the mirror, try to let go of the story line that says you’re too fat or too sallow, too ashy or too old, your eyes are too small or your nose too big; just look into the mirror and see your face. When the criticism drops away, what you will see then is just you, without judgment, and that is the first step toward transforming your experience of the world.”
Oprah Winfrey

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