Home | Business | E300 000 FOR INNOVATIVE PROJECTS


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MBABANE – Grants are available for small organisations, groups and individuals with innovative community projects that promote the protection, conservation and enhancement of the environment and the sustainable management of natural resources.

The Eswatini Environment Fund, through the EEA, has issued the 2020 call for proposals. EEA is the Eswatini Environment Authority and it can be dubbed the national environmental watchdog. Proposed projects must demonstrate how they will enhance environmental sustainability and community livelihoods.
According to a correspondence shared to this publication, the call targets communities, environmental groups, NGOs and individuals.


The fund will award small grants (to a maximum of E300 000) for eligible projects, where at least  80 per cent of the grant should go to project activities. The remaining 20 per cent at most should be used for project administration where necessary.
The Fund seeks to tackle emerging environmental risks facing the country in five thematic areas. They include sustainable land management, climate change adaption as well as water availability, use and management.

Other areas include chemical and waste management as well as ecosystem, habitat, biodiversity protection and sustainable use.
To apply, one has to send an electronic mail to reception@sea.org.sz or call 2406 6960/7893 to request for an application and Fund guidelines. Applications should be submitted by July 31, 2020 at 4pm via e-mail to EEA offices in Mbabane, Rhus Office Park.

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